Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Friendly Reminder

"You name me an institution in American society, I'll show you where it basically betrayed the people they're supposed to serve...."

Watch this, then watch the other two parts, then watch them all again. Don't say you weren't warned.


  1. I can't watch that here at work, but I will watch it soon. As for my own experience in local activism, I spent several years participating through local actions here in Phoenix including anti-SB1070 marches, and anti-Fascist and actions against Russell Pierce and his ilk. I guess we made a difference, but things have died down now thanks to a general feeling of frustration over Occupy Phoenix (which was a colossal FAIL for many reasons). That and an encroachment of real-life issues has really taken the wind out of our local chapter(Socialist Party USA). It all feels so quixotic and impotent, and frankly I paid some very high personal dues over my emotional involvement. This is a tough place to be a Red...

  2. As close to my personal vision as I have yet to read:
