Sunday, June 02, 2013

Arbeit Macht Foxx

Speaking as someone who bought into the false promises of the higher-ed racket hook, line, and sinker, and who basically works a second, unpaid side job trying to get extra money to pay down college loans (since that, uh, supposed MBA salary average ain't happening), I sincerely hope that when the inevitable economic collapse comes a-calling again, Virginia Foxx spends her final years living on cat food. The older I get, the more I work, and the more I read and try to create opportunities for myself. I drive a 20-year-old vehicle and haven't taken a real vacation in years. And I'm sick and goddamned tired of these self-righteous assholes with their assumptions about why some succeed wildly and some don't.

I got news for ya, Grandma -- it ain't always because dumb and lazy. Sometimes life is luck, and sometimes that luck isn't what it "should" be.

Remember that, your poor saps -- pick better parents next time.

[via Decline of the Empire]

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