Saturday, June 29, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Dipshit

Congrats to Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, for actually getting up there and honest-to-gawd filibustering. It's unfortunate that the odds are stacked way against keeping that stupid law pushed through next week, or the week after, or however many tries Rick Perry wants to give it. But at least she tried, and at least she refuses to take their shit, which could be a model for many other Democrats, some of whom couldn't find their spines if Jamie Dimon held the flashlight for them.

The obsession so many people and politicians in this country have over abortion is scary, quite frankly. It's difficult to think of another issue so grievously underpinned by fanaticism, hypocrisy, chicanery, outright stupidity, and bad faith on the part of anti-abortion activists.

As I've said many times, politicians reflect their constituencies, good, bad, or completely stupid. When you have a bozo like Jodie Laubenberg declaring that rape victims don't need abortions because rape kits clean out the impacted area and prevent pregnancy -- well, you can't just walk into your local corner store and buy that kind of stupid. You have to get on the internets and hunt down the right SKU number for that one. But no matter -- either Laubenberg actually believes that shit, in which case her district is populated by morons who elected a fellow moron, or she knows better, but also knows that her district is borderline retarded.

Either way, Texas State District 89 has some issues with elementary cognition. Ditto Louie Gohmert's district, and so forth. The point is, we hold up elected representatives as these totems of mass disapproval, to beat them with our collective reproach.

But someone put those dunces in office. Someone keeps voting for Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn. Tennessee's 4th Congressional District thought it'd be a swell idea to re-elect Scott DesJarlais, even after it was proven in the ugliest fashion that his pro-life fambly valyews bullshit was exactly that.

And so on. Wendy Davis and her supporters certainly have their work cut out for them on Monday, and I hope they succeed in their mission, but we all know human nature too well. Because Texas, like many redneck states, is getting younger, poorer, and browner demographically, it will be "bluing" sooner rather than later, but in the meantime, it's this tedious, mindless crusade of cartoon characters picking on women, especially poor women.

Don't they have anything better to do? If they put one-tenth of that energy and vigor into, oh I dunno, subsidized birth control, better education (general and sex), better jobs, etc., that the abortion rate would drop -- even more than it has been for 20 years.


  1. Someone needs to write a novel, along the lines of 'Atlas Shrugged', where instead of the titans of industry abandoning the parasites, it's the intelligentsia abandoning the stoopids. Let the sub-100 IQers try it for a couple of generations on their own...

  2. Well, there's always Idiocracy, which is proving to be a documentary.

  3. Great movie! But funny. I like to imagine the idea as not so funny sometimes...

  4. Don't forget Douglas Adams' Life, the Universe, and Everything (I don't remember exactly which book), in which some impending "catastrophe" causes a race to make 3 Arks to escape: one for professionals(doctors, scientists & engineers), one for laborers, and one for politicians, investment bankers, and telephone sanitizers. Of course, the threat was nonexistent, but they did convince their society's useless fucktards to willingly leave. And in the end, the original race was wiped out by a dirty telephone, Ark B landed on erf, and humanity evolved from said useless fucktards.

  5. Indeed! Another one of my all-time favorites! That's the book and the early-80's shot-on-video BBC version! The 2005 movie, not so much...
