Friday, June 21, 2013

Proof of No Karma

As always, we should all fervently hope that these morons get exactly the society they wish for, lose their pensions and learn to live on cat food.


  1. Have you and Ed actually met in person? Actually I can't remember which one of you led me to the other, but I can't think of any two other bloggers who can get me to fist pump right in my office chair, except maybe driftglass...I'd love to buy you all a drink someday!

  2. Thanks, that's very cool. I enjoy Ed's writing a great deal, and occasionally comment at his blog, but have never met or even corresponded with him. Love driftglass' writing as well.

    If I ever make it to your part of the country, or you make it out here Chico way, I'm definitely on for that drink.

    I'm not really a "blogger convention" kind of guy; while I would really enjoy meeting other bloggers and readers, and I (usually) don't mind large crowds, the practical reality of those things tends to be kind of clusterfucky, I think. Still, it would be an excuse to spend a weekend in Vegas, and hang around some like-minded godless hedonistic sybarites, and getcha swerve on. So you never know.
