Thursday, June 13, 2013

Twitler Youth

Hey, there's a newsflash -- douchebags breed more douchebags. The upside is that there are very few avenues in the real world when your name is "Tanner Flake." No doubt young Flake plans to either inherit daddy's desert throne, or leverage the connections into the usual bullshit sinecure, some rich asshole do-nothing "job" lecturing the poorz on their stoopid laziness, in between golf junkets and circle-jerk "conferences."

If there is any such thing as karma -- and we all know there isn't -- these two closet cases will end up infamous on Ryan Lochte's reality show as slightlyeven dumber wingmen, ending up a long, drunken, futile night of poon-chasing in each other's arms. Either way, these little fucktards are as good an argument for term limits as any.

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