Thursday, July 04, 2013


Setting aside the previous post for a second, there are things that occasionally make you wish, for just a brief, fleeting, speculative moment, that Obammy was even half the monster his whinging internutz waaahhh club would have you believe. I'm honestly not sure that merely reading the collected tweets in that Public Shaming post won't make everyone stupider for having read it.

Lotta college-age dingbats in that collection as well, who need to get back to doing what they do best -- servicing date-raping frat-boy assholes (who appear to be the rest of the bunch). All you twitards, kindly leave the political analysis to people who can read, m'kay?

At the very least, maybe we can all chip in a few bucks and bribe these morlocks to do a world a favor and not breed. There's already enough algae and flesh-eating viruses in the gene pool, and the world won't miss another generation of racist assholes who cry and rant because bright-thing-no-go-boom. Seriously, are these people in fucking kindergarten?

1 comment:

  1. Imho the best thing about the Obama presidency is that it forces these idjits out into the open where we can see them.
