Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Great Unwinding

The question of when the Fed stops handing money to rentier kajillionaires to prop up the smoke-and-mirrors casino economy (instead of to working people who would -- I shit you not, podna -- spend the money instead of hoarding it, buy things instead of making book) is less about the when and more about how hard it will hit the peons when it happens.

Since the Masters of the Universe assume that all unrich people are another, dumber form of life who were just too fucking stoopid to get out of their own way, the one thing they can agree upon with zero discussion is that their own bottom line should not be affected by so much as a tenth of a penny or a hundredth of a percentage point. After all, it's hard goddamn work to pick the right parents and diddle spreadsheets and knock off American companies, so get bent, dummies who work with your hands and backs!

In other words, they were more than happy to cause this mess on the backs of the proles, so it stands to reason that they'll be equally jake with letting us take the hit when the house of financial cards finally collapses (again). Because they know you won't do jack shit about it, you'll either sit home and grumble or Get Out And Vote like it actually means anything. And then go back to the weekly freak show of sex dungeons and sharknados and gropey mayors.

Which might be the most sensible response; again, aside from keeping an eye on higher ground for when the shit does come down, there's not much you can do. Get out of debt if you can, learn to grow your own food regardless, learn a new skill or refine an existing one, so at least you can barter for sex and gasoline. Other than that, they own your ass, you know it and they know it.

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