Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Threat Averted

Praise Jebus, the Million25 MuslimPeacenik Idiot MarchPresence was thwarted by 235 kajillion would-be Sons of Anarchy who are peaceful and had no plans whatsoever to confront any of the non-existent be-inners.

I guess we can all go back to watching Miley Cyrus dry-hump lawn furniture.

1 comment:

  1. All it takes to get a whole lot of dumbass bikie-types offa da couch is to stir up fear of non-existent "threats" like Sharia law, or hint that there are Americans who don't fit the right mold. I know a lot of these guys, and if you try to talk to them about actual threats to our freedom (income inequality, the security state, etc), their eyes just glaze over. See, that shit takes thought. These guys ain't thinkers.
