Saturday, December 21, 2013

Head Count and Upcoming Books

Couple of quick housekeeping things:
  1. Please do me a small favor, and leave a quick comment, even if it's anonymously, even if it's just one word. In checking stats, the site seems to be getting traffic from one of those "vampirestat" things.
  2. I'm finishing up a couple of Kindle books. Like last year, there will be a compilation of selected posts from this past year (with new foreword and introductory commentary for each piece), and a 99-cent mini-book of the "notable jerkoffs of 2013" type. I'm finalizing formatting, cover, and title for each, and plan to release them by January 1st.
There will be a third book, later in January, which I'll discuss in more detail soon. I don't do fundraisers, and I don't cyber-panhandle. The books are something I enjoy doing, and for folks who might wish to contribute, it's an opportunity to get further value.

Check out the Amazon Store at the top of the sidebar, if you're so inclined, and if you happen to purchase anything from any of the 4 (so far) pages, please let me know about your experience, good, bad, or indifferent.

So thanks in advance, have a safe and sane holiday season, and stay tuned for more snark here at The Hammer.


  1. No idea what a vampirestat is but it sounds awful. Glad if this'll help, and have happy holidays and New Year.

  2. Thanks Tehanu. No, it's not like a virus or anything harmful like that. From what I understand, it's kind of a botnet-type of site that translates into fake stats. I'd love to think that 1000 people per day were coming through here, but if the real number is 500 or 200, I'd like to know that.

  3. Comment here. I read your posts weekly.

  4. Keep at it. You have some wisdom.

  5. You are a bookmark, if that is any help.

    The twisted letters in the spambot filter are a bitch, or I'd comment more often. I've been denied three or more times on occasion, and then I just bail.

  6. Sorry about the spambot filter, I know it's a pain. If you look through the archives, you'll see why I finally installed one. Just too much crap.
