Friday, February 21, 2014

Better Off Ted

This is probably another one you can file under "said it before, but it bears repeating", but whatever. When we enjoy a song or movie, once we get familiar with the individual who made it for us, we tend to make mental associations that are difficult to break. Countless examples abound, of course, but probably the most famous examples are Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and Ted Nugent.

Of these three, obviously Nugent made a point of escalating his "toxic asshole" quotient, where Polanski and Allen have at least made modest demurrals regarding their past transgressions, went on about making their art, and stayed away from making tendentious statements in general, not to mention provocative political sound bites in particular.

Indeed, Nugent has made it a point of pride to spout his nonsense to any microphone within reach. He doesn't have to worry about consequences because there are none for his side of the aisle -- you can pull any bullshit quote out of fat air, slap it on a tee-shirt or bumper sticker, and dare everyone to call you out on it. Every time this moron opens his cakehole, you see plenty of snappy action quotes about how the tyrant Obammy is taking away everyone's rights -- but never any evidence cited, nor the rather obvious retort that if he's such a bastard, how is it that you're able to get on Cousin Cooter's drive-time shit-show and flap yer gums, and not get sent to the gulag?

And so, as someone who has played rock guitar for nearly 30 years now, and counts the Nuge as one of hundreds of influences, it becomes a situation where you're forced to separate the music from the madness, the same way you can enjoy Chinatown as a work of art and craft, and not think about Roman Polanski butt-fucking a 13-year-old on Jack Nicholson's couch. Except again, Polanski, while insufficiently contrite, at least does not go out of his way to exacerbate the situation.

Meanwhile, in addition to his moronic political spewings, Nugent has another thing in common with Polanski and Allen -- his move, back when he was 29 years old, to become the "legal guardian" of a 17-year-old girl. Oh, and his twice-asserted draft-dodge of shitting his pants in clothes he wore for ten days before his physical for Vietnam. For a self-proclaimed tough guy who wants to jam an automatic weapon up Barry and Hitlery's soft pwoggy asscheeks, the Tedster sure seemed to back down when it was his turn at glory.

But the bottom line is, there comes a point where the artist's bullshit outweighs the cool things they did. And frankly, while you can charitably find a handful of solid tunes from the '70s, and even be generous and throw in a Damn Yankees song or two, there ain't much else to this guy, really. I'm as pissed at Obama as the next guy, but if Nugent thinks Stranglehold or Great White Buffalo give him cover to call the president a "subhuman mongrel" and then issue a half-assed non-apology, well then he can just go fuck himself. He's a creep and a dipshit, and it's about goddamn time the "liberal" media stopped giving him any play at all. Fuck off already, old man.

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