Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ministry of Truth

Several of these "what is the deal with these medical conspiracists" articles have cropped up lately, probably in the wake of info-quack Kevin Trudeau's recent 10-year prison sentence for refusing to allow suckers to keep their money.

I don't have a dog in the fight, really. Medical science is, as they say, what it is, and people can and do speculate over causes and cures all the time. I would note for the record that it isn't just African-Americans who believe that the AIDS virus was created by gubmint assholes in a secret lab; Frank Zappa's autobiography ends with a similar allusion. I doubt that that's the case, but you just never know, right?

And that's really the deal here -- not whether "they" did, but whether "they" would. Because we know that people in positions of corporate and government power have done any number of awful things with experimental drugs, from MK-ULTRA to the Tuskegee Experiment. And a quick Google search will help you decide if Big Pharma has ever or would ever engage in unethical behavior for a buck, whether it's torturing rabbits and cats for a better mascara, withholding info about nasty side effects on various tonics and philters, or just holding back on a better pill in order to maximize profits.

I mean, seriously. We know for an indisputable, irrefutable, empirical by-god fact that humans deliberately infected other humans with syphilis in the name of some perverted version of schmience. You really think there aren't people out there who'd build a superbug just to see if they could? Don't get me wrong, it's still annoying that people are actually dumb enough to listen to Surgeon General Jenny McCarthy and not vaccine their kids. But it's not really that much of a surprise that they act as if people in power don't have their best interests at heart.

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