Saturday, May 03, 2014

Cabin Fever

The Benghazi fever can probably be cured with more cowbell, but honestly, why bother or worry? This is one of those pointless things that will convert or motivate absolutely no one; statistically, there is virtually no living human who is going to look at this ongoing handjob and say to themselves, "Self, I was going to vote for the Democratic candidate in these here midterms, but because of the vague, unfounded speculations surrounding the Benghazi attack, I'm going to go right ahead and vote against my rational self-interest, and endorse the red-assed baboon that the Republicans are running. While I'm at it, I'll just hit myself in the head with a hammer or a large rock for a while."

But hey, whatever. Look, instead of griping about the ludicrous idiocy of the House Republicans, maybe start running some viable candidates and putting some real money behind them. I mean, Darrell Issa is not really Jesus H. Christ, he just thinks he is.


  1. republican (and democratic) voters vote against their own self interest all the time. heck, anyone who voted for either Wall Street hellhound in the last election probably voted against their own best interest (unless one is a hedge fund operator)

  2. True; the only way voting Democratic is "rationally self-interested" is in the sense that Democratic policies generally tend to be slightly, if almost imperceptibly, less injurious to the average 'murkin than Republican policies.
