Saturday, June 28, 2014

Deep Thoughts (World Cup Edition)

For the most part, I can take or leave soccer, though I used to check out English Premier League back when I had a pirate satellite card, and the World Cup matches are enjoyable enough. Still, sports in general, from the NCAA to the NFL to the Olympics to the World Cup and on and on, make me feel guilty anymore. The athletes are either indentured servants (as in the NCAA) or impossibly wealthy, playing in stadia built for asshole billionaires by gullible and/or captive taxpayers, with the empty promise of good jobs dangled before them like a hologram carrot.

As Brazil is, like it or not, an overpopulated Third World hellhole, its corrupt government has, in preparation for this year's World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics (but it will be winter there, as it is now -- discuss!), expended no small amounts of pelf and brute force, flash-building huge venues out in the Amazon jungle, and clearing slums with abandon. More things to feel complicit in, which is a shame. There's an abundance of valuable things to be learned from various sports, but money -- or more specifically, greed -- ruins everything.

We spectators, demanding our circuses if we can't have the bread to go with them, are accessories to all of it -- the indentured servitude of college athletes, the blown-out knees and CTE concussions of the NFL, the almost literal slavery of the cheerleaders, the fleecing of the taxpayers, the destruction of the cities that outbid everyone else for these white elephants. At least cities are finally starting to get wise to the Olympic racket, as the IOC and FIFA are in perpetual deadlock for most corrupt sports organization.

Also, too -- that fucking weirdo donkey-biter from Uruguay? Let him play, but with a Bane mask over his mouth. I don't know what that dude's problem is, but I'm surprised someone hasn't just turned and started swinging straight for his chompers. Let's see how well you gum your opponents, asshole.

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