Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Enema Within

So we have our first truly hilarious midterm moment of the season -- future Speaker of the House Eric Cantor gets drummed out in the wild-card round by some Randroid econ tool from a small private college. Worth its weight in comedy gold.

The teabaggers have the establishment dorks on the run, and it is fun to watch. Thad Cochran barely managed to coast on the miniscule goodwill generated by his opponent's shenanigans enough to qualify for a runoff against said opponent. Huckleberry Closetcase beat back his primary opponents, but mostly because there were six of them splintered against him, and Huck has standing invitations to free-advertise on all the Sunday morning circle jerks.

On the one hand, getcha popcorn, and simply bide your time until stupid people live down to their names, and say stupid things, and other stupid people vote for them regardless. On the other hand, if the Democrats want to at least give the impression that they're not just dickless corporate stooges, they are going to have to up their game. How else is La Hillary s'posta get her turn in '16?

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