Sunday, July 27, 2014

Vulgar Display of Moron

One of my pet peeves (and yes, as you might guess, I have many) is when individuals need to be told something that you really shouldn't even have to tell a child. The various ways in which we interact in public places -- driving, shopping, parking, eating in restaurants, attending sports and entertainment events -- require a shared understanding that there are other human beings on this planet. Some folks, because they're just that fucking special, don't trouble themselves with such ordinary considerations.

When someone boxes you in with their lousy parking, when they leave their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and waddle off to look for an item, when they let their screaming brats run and make noise in a pricey restaurant, when they talk on their fucking phone in the middle of a fucking play, like it's a rock concert or something, the message to everyone else should be clear -- fuck you. I cannot be bothered to maintain even a basic, fundamental amount of common respect for anyone else. I am the only one in this parking lot/supermarket/highway/whatever who matters.

Particularly in the instance of stage performances, where your average dipshit should realize going in that a level of quiet engagement on the part of the audience is necessary both to the enjoyment of the play, and the ability of the performers to do their jobs, you have to really wonder -- why do these idiots go in the first place? If you want to sit there and tweet and eat and play with your toys, why not just stay home, or go to the Starbucks? It makes no sense.

Hopefully these theatres, especially those with name performers, stop leaving it to the actors to browbeat the idiots, or set up special "social media" areas (because, holy shit, their need to live-tweet their attendance at a Kevin Spacey play simply must be accommodated), and just toss them out on their asses.

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