Friday, September 05, 2014

The Harder They Fall

While most of the news today is understandably focused on the sad demise of Joan Rivers, let's take a moment and reflect on the good news of the conviction of Bob (he of the "transvaginal wanding" and laughable presidential ambitions) and Maureen McDonnell.

This is pretty much bricks-of-cash-in-the-freezer corruption here, the sort of openly corrupt behavior that exists everywhere, but pervades in cultural backwaters such as the south. The real geography here, though, is of course the proximity, not only to the state house, but the presumed eventual advancement to a senate seat or even as part of a national ticket.

The perhaps more novel twist here was in the way Bob and Maureen McDonnell chose to defend themselves against the embarrassingly clear charges -- by going after each other, by portraying one another in the worst possible marital terms; he was emotionally distant and consumed with political ambitions, she was infatuated with a favor-grubbing nutritional supplement huckster who apparently had more money than discretion. Awesome. Sounds like a plot for a Dallas story arc.

Most days I feel like I've been around too long and seen too much to believe in karma, but then a case like this comes along and you have to wonder....

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