Sunday, March 15, 2015

Re-Home Alone

When I heard about this motherless fuck -- and these other motherless fucks -- I managed to become offended on no less than three distinct levels. (I know, we're all very impressed by such a feat of moral fortitude.)

First and easiest is just being taken aback as a basic human trait, which completely escapes these moral cretins. Secondly, I was adopted as an infant. It's not a huge deal; I don't generally register various benign issues on the subject. But abuse of adopted children grinds my fucking gears like few other things. I take it personally. Third, as a part of my real world job, I fingerprint people who are applying to adopt children (usually their grandchildren or nephews/nieces), and so I have an understanding of the rigorous standards some states have when it comes to taking custody of a child that is not biologically your own.

I recall this sort of thing happening in the '90s, after the collapse of the Soviet bloc countries. Well-meaning yupsters took it upon themselves to adopt children from Russian and Romanian (among others) orphanages, only to find out the hard way that, gee, guess what, some of these kids had endured unspeakable trauma, and needed extra care. And so these poor kids were unceremoniously dumped off, like the kids in the above-linked articles, like stray cats dumped in the local park by asshole college students once the semester has ended and they have to toddle back to their hometowns.

I have zero sympathy for the Harrises, and I sincerely hope that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You can't just dump a child over to another person, even in a backwater shithole like Arkansas. There are fucking rules here, captain. Seriously, what kind of a fucking shit-stain passes off a child in a parking lot to someone they met on Craigslist?

Oh, and did we mention that Justin Harris is one of them special type of hypocrite, the type that whines about how the evil gubmint never created a single job in the history of the universe, while taking hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from that same gubmint? I know, we're all very surprised. Really, at this point, I'd be more surprised if one of these tedious, anti-gubmint bloviators actually managed to walk their fucking talk. Just once.

It's not enough to hope that there is, after all, actually a hell, just so that assholes like these can reside there for eternity. It is much more productive to push for them to be prosecuted with the full force of the law, and incarcerated for as long as possible, not just the vile Harrises, but this entire skeevy underground kid-trading network. It's just too goddamned bad we don't have a Pinochet type to round these motherfuckers up, put 'em in a soccer stadium, and start the lead sweep.


  1. You're not even focusing on the amazing side of this. This Cretin is a New Apostolic Reformation uber-loon who locked the girl in her room by herself with a camera because she was possessed by DEMONS. These people exist in 2015. They are advisors to Presidential candidates like Rick Perry.

    The midn just boggles.

    Oh...and the cash cow, I mean, government-funded child care racket is a CHRISTIAN ministry.

    Gag me. Gag them with Satan's...well you get the idea.

  2. True, I totally buried the lede on the exorcisms and such. These people are shithouse-rat cray-zay.
