Saturday, July 18, 2015

Your Daily Darwin Award

Between the Jade Helm paranoia, retards swimming with alligators, and such like, one has to wonder:  is Texas having some sort of weird contest with Florida, that the other states just haven't heard about yet?

I've had forty-eight birthday parties so far, and they've all had at least one thing in common:  no guns. And I like guns. Honest and for true, I've never felt the need to shoot something to celebrate turning older. Or to celebrate anything for that matter; maybe it's just me but I've always felt guns serve a very specific purpose, and "toy" does not fall under that purpose.

Alcohol, sex (yes, with someone else, smartass), and some sort of grilled meat or fish seem to suffice just fine for celebrating birthdays and other occasions. It's too bad this maroon never figured that out.

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