Saturday, January 02, 2016

A Modest Proposal

There are actual human beings out there who spend time spamming honest websites with their illiterate, bullshit promotions for knock-off merchandise. If each and every one of those folks, from Los Angeles to Putian, would kindly take a quick moment, put a gun in their mouths, and splatter their useless brains across the nearest wall, it would add net value to the planet. Obviously most of it is bot-deployed, but someone sets up the bots and the dummy sites. I wish they all had one neck so I could fucking break it for them.

Here's just one egregious example. In the past week I've gotten about 150 pieces from the URL in the photo below, which is an ISP called Corporate Colocation Inc. in Los Angeles. Great customer you got there, assholes.

Maybe I'm just not as tech-savvy as I think I am, but I honestly don't understand the purpose of this sort of thing. Are there really people dumb enough to click on this shit; is there seriously a sentient being with a credit card that's fucking stupid enough to use it on one of these fake sites?

The vast majority of these things seem to come from just three Chinese cities:  Putian, Fuzhou, and Xiamen. Of all the things that over-populated, over-polluted craphole should be proud of, it's that. Congratulations, you've cornered the market on people who are so completely useless, so committed to adding absolutely nothing of worth to this vale of sorrows, they are relegated to hassling people with inept spam. Then again, it's an area of the world that's still okay with slavery.

Perhaps China should consider a zero-child policy, if this is all they're going to do with their misbegotten lives. I bet these dickheads can't even admit to their family and friends what they really do for a living; they probably have to tell them that they shovel shit and suck dick and fuck goats on camera for pennies an orgasm.

Seriously. Fucking die already, you worthless cocksuckers. Have some self-respect and end yourselves.

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