Saturday, February 13, 2016

Death and Texas

Not to whoop over the untimely demise of a fellow human being, but the sudden death of Comb-Over Tony -- and of course it was on a (no doubt canned) hunting trip at a "luxury ranch" in Texas -- is a yuuuge game-changer. That noise you just heard was the collective pants-pooping of what's left of the Republican party.

All you need now is for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to decide to retire all of a sudden, and Obama has a golden chance on his way out the door to reshape the Supreme Court for the next generation. At the very least, it's a chance to break the Opus Dei stranglehold, hopefully once and for all.

Again, not to dance on the guy's grave, but while Scalia had a brilliant mind, he chose to use it to rationalize some of the worst decisions of the last century or so. His peculiar obsession with homosexuals is unique in that he may be the only person ever to be so obsessed, and not be a closet case. His contention that later exculpatory evidence was not cause to overturn death sentences is, to say the least, a textbook definition of psychopathic behavior. He was a bastard and a shit of a human being, albeit an exceptionally well-read one.

I am still of the opinion that it is a bad idea that SCOTUS appointments are lifetime. Terms of service should be 20-25 years maximum, and there should be a mandatory retirement age, somewhere around 80-85. But until that happens, it is what it is. John Roberts will be there for quite some time, as will Strip Search Sammy. Clarence Thomas, however, may be a dinghy set adrift on a foggy ocean, now that his mentor is gone. This just got interesting.

Needless to say, Bitch McConnell wasted no time at all proclaiming that the Senate should wait until after the election -- you know, nine fucking months away -- to confirm a replacement for Scalia. Bull. Fucking. Shit. It's the President's job to appoint Supreme Court justices as the occasion arises, and for the next nine months, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is the President of the United States of America.

It has long been rumored that McConnell is deeply closeted, and was discharged from the Army for sodomy. Not that I have any problem with any of that, but his constituents would, and besides, McConnell is slime-sucking piece of shit, who has made his intentions clear literally since Obama first took office.

Let me be clear:  the majority of the people of this country voted for Obama, not once but twice, and Addison M. McConnell has actively thwarted the will of the people every single day for the past eight years. I've had enough of it, and I'd like to see that vile, corrupt, chinless turd get what's coming to him, once and for all, by any means necessary.

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