Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cleveland Steamer, Day 2: Double Down

Watching the "establishment" GOP hacks half-heartedly try to convince their audience that their golem has merit, between the junior golems' mythologizing of their dear ol' duddad, is nothing short of priceless. Aside from Uday and Marla, Jr., the only one who really seemed to be having fun with this was (of all people) Chris Christie, who of course led the Volkssturm in their nightly Dolchstoßlegende hate chant. Might as well; Fatboy surrendered what was left of his soul months ago. He's literally beneath contempt at this point, simply too low of a worm to bother with.

These people are freaks, fixated on a target created by their fevered imaginations. They will parse every single thing HFC ever did or said via email, whether or not it was classified when she sent it, the ramifications of using a NIPR (unsecured private server) over a SIPR (secured gov't server). Ask them about the 22 million emails that went missing from Cheney regime private server, to cover their tracks over firing eight US attorneys in their movement to politicize the federal prosecutorial system, and their heads will explode as they fumble for a response.

I have very little faith in this country and its people anymore, but I will tell you this -- if there's anyone still on the fucking fence at this point, with the choices so clear and the mendacity so deep, all they need to do is tune into this spectacle and decide who they want to be on the same side with. Is there someone out there who is truly independent and undecided looking at a mob of senile retards mooing "lock her up!" in unison, or listening to fucking Chachi's "where muh country gone" bafflegab, and thinking, "Oh yeah, that's the side I'm on."? Probably, but there can't be as many as they're counting on, as many as they need to get above their 40% ceiling.

This is choir-preaching at its worst, which means it's exactly what you expect from these slobs by now. They have decided to go with what got them here, to run a red-meat primary campaign in the general election, because they have no other choice. And that "flaming hellscape" strategy only gets you so far, especially when you have no solution to counter it. They are obsessed with things that not only don't matter in the larger scheme, but over which they have no control, and would make very little difference even if they clamped down and got control.

Putting in hate crime laws to benefit cops (even though, you know, there already are enhanced penalties for crimes against law enforcement -- unless you're a psychotic deadbeat rancher who pulls guns on Bureau of Land Management agents) and rescinding transgender restroom permissions will not put a single dime in anyone's pocket, will not bring anyone's outdated job back. The speakers from the yokel states (West Virginia and Arkansas, two of the most desolate dumps in the country, once you get out of their few decent-sized cities) can chortle all they want about how HFC doesn't git them, and the poncey lucky-sperm reality-teevee fake billionaire does somehow, but it won't help their citizens one bit.

Drumpf's not bringing back your fuckin' coal-mining jobs, okay? There's nothing to bring back. Fucking learn to read something useful, train yourself to a new skill that actually has a future, think about relocating if possible, and get with the fucking program already. All that energy they've expended, marinating in their toxic bitterness, fantasizing about Pappy's job (that kilt him when he was fitty-five, by the way) coming back, selling each other oxy and fentanyl in the meantime, could have been spent a myriad other ways, virtually all of them more useful than what they've done.

They don't seem to have heard the old adage about how you might want to stop digging when you find yourself in a hole. Maybe the folks in WV should go take a swim in their polluted river and see how that works out for them, before ranting about environmental regulations. Your job won't matter when you and your kids all have cancer, dumbass.

I have run out of fucks to give about them, which puts me equal with the Republican Party. The difference is, at least I'm honest about it.

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