Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cleveland Steamer, Day 4: Make America Dump Again

It's finally over -- and the real nightmare is likely just beginning. Hair Fuhrer went into an epic stemwinder, prolonged by the arena cult's incessant chanting and stopping him with their applause and adulation. Then they lined up at the side of the stage, and took turns coming up and sucking his wee, shriveled old-man cock.

Ein volk, ein Reich, ein Drumpf.

Okay, I made up those last bits, but not by much. This is a cult of personality -- and of anti-personality. They are motivated by an inordinate love for Drumpf, and an equally inordinate hate for HFC. They have no sense of logic or proportion for either.

Drumpf's speech, which was actually semi-competent since he did himself a favor and used a teleprompter, fixated mostly on "law and order" and "safety". This has to be the single biggest gathering of nervous, cringing ninnies ever. It's a fucking wonder they screwed up the courage to come to The Cleve and gather in the arena.

So Drumpf was big on "restoring order" and defeating terror and protecting cops and such like, but very low on details as to how that would take place. Didn't matter to the crowd, of course; they're not looking for solutions or logic, just rage and anger and fear and false reassurance. Big Daddy knows what they want, and gives them all they can eat. They never seem to get full, they just keep gorging. If rageohol was fattening, these motherfuckers would need have a wall knocked down and have their fat asses hauled out with a crane hoist, just to leave the house.

Joanie (which is what "Ivanka" means in Slavic languages, y'know) Drumpf took to the stage to give an introductory speech for dear ol' dad, which was mostly a sales pitch to female voters. Maybe someone should point out to Joanie that, whatever Pop's record is on hiring women and paying them fairly, at the very least his veep pick, who apparently would actually be running things day-to-day, has distinguished himself as hostile to even basic women's issues, such as defunding Planned Parenthood. How that circle gets squared, I guess you have to ante up to get the dealer to turn the card and show his hand.

Daddy Drumpf's peroration was a predictable summation of the Steamer's entire thesis -- that everything has spun out of control, that you're in constant danger, having to look over your shoulder everywhere you go, that there are riots in the streets because crazed radicals enjoy murdering cops, and that runaway political correctness is a close number three on the list of What's Destroying Jebus' Favrit Cuntry.

(Even if one acknowledges that some groups might be overly sensitive to impolite phrasing, the way these idiots perceive that as a tangible threat is just bizarre. But the fact is, there's a difference between being "non-PC" and simply being an asshole. They just don't have any idea where that line is.)

Again, if we take these fanatics at their word, it's amazing that they manage to get out of the house without dropping dead from fear. The last thing I worry about when I go somewhere -- work, the supermarket, the mall, a restaurant, a park -- is a terrorist attack or crazed gunman. I'm far more worried about the other drivers on the road, texting, talking, or just not paying attention in general. There are hundreds of things out there that are thousands of times more likely to kill them than a terrorist. What a bunch of sniveling pussies.

They can't even get their "solutions" for terrorism right in the first place, since closing the borders and keeping out Moooslims wouldn't have stopped Omar Mateen or Syed Farook, both of whom were native-born American citizens. So what exactly is the plan to counter this menace, what has Drumpf thought of that hasn't yet been considered? He never says; again, if you want him to show you his hand, you have to ante up.

So the frightened, elderly children in the audience want Batman to clean up Gotham City, with Jokers and Penguins around every corner in their fever dreams. They have bought in to the empty promises of a fraudulent, unqualified huckster whose foreign policy seems to revolve around fucking everything up and letting Putin have the spoils.

This is no joke -- Drumpf's obnoxious, top-volume lying and buffoonery have been bad enough, but in wanting to undo seventy-five years of our international security structure, the alliance that literally prevented World War Three, he reveals himself and proves what most of us had already suspected:  he is dangerously incompetent, inexcusably ignorant. This can no longer be disputed by any honest observer.

It is impossible to listen to this man bloviate for more than a minute without realizing with almost absolute certainty that he has read virtually nothing -- no books, magazines, essays, newspaper articles -- unless it was about him. For someone who spends so much time on planes, you'd think he's read up on some subject, just to have something to do. But he clearly doesn't bother with that sort of thing, and that is an unacceptable trait for someone seeking the highest office in the land. Even George W. Bush read books, and most of them seemed to be historical biographies.

This entire campaign and its participants -- the nominee, the baying crowd, the cowardly party apparatchiks jockeying for favor -- are monstrous, vile on a historical level. Ordinarily you could say that it's very difficult, if not impossible, to be an incompetent fascist. Yet to listen to the sheer vituperation emanating from these people, this insane, seething crowd, looking for someone to jail without trial, someone to murder as retribution for untrue allegations and true mediocrities, some damage would definitely be done nonetheless. A creative person with decent video-editing software could probably stitch together a plausible addition to The Purge series from the footage of this week.

One of the key elements of fascism is the more symbiotic relationship between government and corporate and business interests. Drumpf has already made it clear that, were he to be elected, he does not know the appropriate boundaries that must be kept between a high office-holder and their business concerns. He thinks he can just have his kids run things for him; he either doesn't know or doesn't care what "blind trust" means. He has already been using his campaign finances to reimburse his own hotels, his son's winery, etc. Putting him in any sort of office would just enhance this problem.

Merely calling Drumpf the usual adjectives -- vain, narcissistic, buffoonish -- only highlights the fact that such words are insufficient to describe the extreme degree to which he is those things and more. Never before has a political convention been all about one person; never before has it been so cluttered with so many relatives of the nominee giving hortatory speeches, or D-list reality teevee losers talking up a supposedly serious political candidate.

Most troubling is the transparent ease with which Drumpf peddles his lies. He's a consummate con-man, a grifter, a shameless peddler of hateful bullshit, with the ethics of a street pimp. It's hard not to be embarrassed for these fucking rubes with their stupid hats and their dopey chants. They are everything that is wrong with this country, quite frankly, and they are easily as stupid and narcissistic in their own right as their candidate.

We all need to resist this bizarre, disgusting transition into Kardashian nation, for one. But as importantly, if there are any respectable Republicans left, they need to start thinking seriously about their futures, and how they are tethered to this man who has no fucks to give about the party. There are some youngish benchers that probably plan either to be up-and-comers, or at least have long careers -- Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, and others. Whether you agree with anything they stand for or not, you can at least acknowledge that they take their party and their role within it seriously.

But it's just another thing to play with for Drumpf, and he'll carelessly toss it away when he's done with it, when his tiny attention span and his tiny hands get bored fiddling with it. He doesn't know its past, doesn't care about its future. It's just another prize to covet, until the next one comes along.

But the party lifers understand that party competence depends on continuity and knowledge, the understanding that governance is at least as much mechanical as it is ideological, and that handing over to a loud man-baby is going to fuck things up but good. Drumpf's careless attitude could finish the implosion -- which it richly needs and deserves, mind you, but you'd think they'd see what's coming as well, whether he wins or loses, and plan accordingly.