Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Philly Cheese Stank, Day 3: Getting Traction

Some solid, powerful speeches tonight, especially from Tim Kaine and Barack Obama. Kaine's mocking of Drumpf's "believe me" schtick, as the calling card of the con-man, actually seemed more authentic because Kaine, while pleasant and smart enough, does not exactly pop off the screen. (Then again, charisma is obviously a highly subjective thing -- how people can watch or listen to toads like Gingrich or Drumpf for more than two seconds is beyond me.)

The boo-birds really need to start shutting the fuck up, like now. They may not realize that they'll be the first to hit the Clownstick re-education camps, but they will be. See, middle-aged white guys like me? I can pass easily. I've spent my life around these unrepentant goat-fuckers. I know the code. I'll hate it, but I'll get by just fine in a Clownstick presidency.

But if any of these crybabies receive any form of public assistance, or have a loved one who does, they better think long and hard (giggity) about what they're doing here, about what they're undermining. This thing is unnecessarily close, and if you're not doing anything to widen the gap, then (once again) just shut the fuck up already and go home, look around, and see what you can do for your community.

I really don't want to be that guy. I think I've been a consistent and ardent supporter of insurgent candidacies. Very few bloggers still take the time to look back and defend Nader 2000 on principle.

But Drumpf makes Fredo Arbusto look like fuckin' Ike Eisenhower. This cannot stand. These people are serious and mendacious, full of malice and lies and spite, and they need to be crushed like the vermin they are. Even Bernie Sanders is pitching as hard as he can for HFC. You'd think his holdouts would at least listen to him.

Diamond Joe Biden had some nice moments in his speech, as did Jennifer Granholm. (From the "waaayyyyy more than you wanted to know" file:  Politicians are not known for their bangability, but Granholm's an exception, smart and a milf. As poet Brian Griffin once spake, I would wreck that chick.) This was a good night to let the attack dogs out.

Part of the American monomyth is that we are a great and glorious melting pot, full of cooperation and mutual respect, all striving for a common, noble goal. It's a great story, but the polarization of the electorate over the last decade or so has limned the truth in stark relief -- like most countries, we are a composite of regional subcultures, pocketed and rivaled, presided over by a small cadre of over-educated and over-moneyed elites.

The pockets have become more and more distant, egged on by niche media feedback loops and self-reinforcing nonsense. This works to the benefit of the ownership class. Even a fake insurgent like Drumpf, with his "blue-collar billionaire" bullshit, benefits from it. This is the challenge facing the Democrats, and after a couple of rough nights, they seem to be finding their rhythm.

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