Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Security Briefings Aren't Working

So Mister Man tweeted this on Friday:

Setting aside the typos for a second, consider the frightening actuality that Drumpfski is now receiving security briefings as a nominee. I guess we're all just supposed to hope he doesn't tweet everything, or stay up late texting it all to Putin.

Anyhoo, with that in mind, he said this in regard to recent examples of Russian aggression:
“He’s not going into Ukraine, okay,” Trump said on ABC’s “This Week” of Russian President Vladi­mir Putin. “He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, alright? You can mark it down. You can put it down.”

Trump then appeared to contradict himself when George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s “This Week,” responded that “he’s already there, isn’t he?”

“Okay, well, he’s there in a certain way,” Mr. Trump replied.
Did he not hear the news about Putin annexing the Crimean peninsula two years ago? Have the security briefings he's received so far not gotten to Eurasia yet? Oh wait, I forgot, he knows more about ISIS than the generals do, so it makes sense that he would know more about the rest of the world as well.

When this is all said and done, we need to make sure that all of this -- the ignorance, the incompetence, the unearned sense of self-regard -- gets hung around the collective necks of the temper-tantwum cultists and their wittle feewings. They need to be shamed back under their rocks.

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