Thursday, August 04, 2016

Beg to Differ

There's no need to statsplain the obvious confirmation-bias arguments, that people tend to believe what they want or need to believe, despite the facts. I honestly hope no one bothers with the hardcore maroons. There's just no percentage in it, and in fact, sometimes it has to be acknowledged that there are simply some people who do not learn the obvious and see what's in front of them until you break one off in their ass.

Look, when you say, essentially in the same argument, that people won't respond to facts, and that you can't convince them, you're admitting upfront that it's a waste of time to try to reach out to them. You might be able to sway them if they meet you halfway, engage with some semblance of intellectual honesty. Let the rest of us know if that ever happens to you.

I can just imagine what it must be like to wait in line for one of these rallies, listen to these halfwits spout their moronic conspiracy theories and justifications, and try not to laugh right in their faces.
"Of course the protesters were out there," said a guy sitting behind me. "It's not like they have jobs to go to."
Yeah, that needs to be tattooed on the forehead of every journamalist that tries to present a convoluted argument for how these people aren't stupid. Fuck that. Respect is earned, not given, and when they say stupid shit like that, it then becomes incumbent on them to prove that they aren't fucking idiots.

For once, I have to disagree with the estimable Pierce:
I admire people who will stick this way. I admire them far more than the candidate who is playing them like violins.
Nope. They are suckers, and deserve to be taken. The ride has gone on for far too long now, and they have no excuse for not figuring out the scam. I hope each one of the dead-enders puts their money where their mouths are, spends their time canvassing their neighborhoods trying to convince people, donates every spare dime they can scrounge, puts as much effort as they can into getting Their Hero elected, only to watch their hopes and bank accounts pulverized, smithereened. Even that won't convince them; probably nothing will.

Pierce seems to have pity on them for some reason. I have no idea why. Their willful, braying ignorance is contemptible. This is the punishment they've earned, to be taken like fools by a circus clown who holds them in even greater contempt than I do. You think Drumpf would so much as piss on them if they were on fire out in front of his precious tower? Fuck no. This is just the political version of Drumpf University.

These people are losers, and Drumpf sees them correctly as easy marks. That's all there is to it. They'll be the base for his next venture after he and his $60k weave get kicked to the curb. He can have them. If they became Democrats without some regret for past behavior, I'd go third-party or stop voting altogether. I want nothing to do with these assholes. I don't care how nice they pretend to be, they're fucking awful. They can take that passive-aggressive "bless their hearts" shit and stick it in their asses.

Information is available to everyone, for free, and we all have brains, we just need the will to use them well and often, and not be fucking herd animals mooing ourselves to an early, dumb grave. I'm just trying to imagine what else they get weird about when there isn't an election. No doubt it's wall-to-wall court shows and reality teevee; this is the sort of mouth-breathing simpleton that thinks the contestants on The Bachelor will get married and live happily ever after, or that the winner of American Idol will have a lucrative musical career.

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