Monday, June 12, 2017

The Idiot In His Flabyrinth; A Modest Prayer

Three brief Clownstick items for your perusal:
  • This morning's first full cabinet meeting (five months in!), notable for its pathetic, mewling Soviet-style leader worship. Someone should tell Kim Jong Snack-Cakes that he's got some competition in the "need to be needed" sweepstakes.
  • If you're still looking for a reason to despise the seemingly (only by comparison) "moderate" and "reasonable" Joanie Clownstick, this oughta do it. Has no one showed this privileged dunce her father's Twitter feed, did she not hear about the five years her father spent lying about Obama's birthplace, the mocking of cripples, war heroes, parents of dead soldiers, etc.? Is she for fucking real?
  • This provided some much-needed comic relief. Read down the whole thread. These ugly-ass kids probably pre-spent their inheritances on plastic surgeries.
Again, this is not a matter of simple political disagreement -- these are fundamentally awful human beings. I wish them nothing but the worst that life and the universe has to offer. They are richly deserving of it, all of it. They're just fucking horrible, and they know it and don't care. And they refuse to go away.

Let a hard rain fall:  let them ruin what little of the health care system Obamacare managed to address; let the ban on scary Moooslins go through at long last; let them melt the mountains of Yosemite and Yellowstone for shale oil; let them pollute the waters and superheat the planet. Let them have their vile agenda, root and branch. Let it all push through.

Let the fan club morons in the flyover states reap the inevitable rewards. You voted for this, you assholes, it's only fair you should get the lion's share of the results. Let's see how all those jobs and opioid treatments go for you. Let everyone who aided and abetted this crime family get what's coming to them -- ruination and unemployability. Let the old joke about "you fuck one goat" come true for them and their careers.

And when it starts to sink in and the rest of us pull our shit together and undo these people fully, let us do it right. Let this shit family be completely broken, ruined financially, unable to grift or grasp or con or steal everything not nailed down anymore. Let them blow hobos in the alley and sell oranges at the freeway off-ramp to earn just enough for a cum-stained mattress at a fleabag hotel for the night. Let their children go to public schools. Let their future generations be compelled to change their names, a futile attempt to remove a wretched stain.

Fuck them. They make the world a worse place, every damned day. That takes some doing.

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