Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Twitler Youth

The Boy Scouts are one of those organizations, like the Catholic Church, that are utterly mystifying in how they manage to persist. Like the Church, the Scouts don't really teach anything you can't learn elsewhere -- in this case, from modestly attentive parenting, a few weekends camping every year, and maybe some team sports along the way. And like the Church, you would have thought that the Scouts would have been damaged more by the decades of pederasty that have been uncovered in recent years. Seriously, what the fuck is up with people? Maybe (again like the Catholics) it's the cosplay and the oaths and ranks and such.

Whatever the case, Princess Snowflake's latest in a practically daily litany of me-me-me grumbles ranks up with some of his better insult-comic routines. From lambasting a former president to nudging up against a sex-yacht anecdote to threatening to fire a cabinet member if he couldn't deliver the votes for a non-existent wealth-care bill -- did we mention this was a fucking Boy Scout Jamboree? -- the guy just never stops. It's exhausting just keeping up with all the toxic levels of incompetence.

And yet, as always, Snowflake proves once again to be merely a symptom. The Scouts profess an ethos of apolitical selflessness, and here they are, cheering on this nonsense, spouted by a man who has never done a goddamned thing for anyone else that didn't have a transaction involved, a man who literally paid his son's seven-dollar BSA admission fee out of the coffers of his money-laundering "charitable" foundation.

This has been the problem all along. Scumbags like Snowflake cannot succeed without fellow scumbags to root for their lies and bluster, to cheer for the nonsense and hate. Whether it's at another tedious rally in Youngstown, or some cholera-ridden Deliverance holler in Bumfuck, West Virginny, they are responsible for him, and by association, whatever else he does before the actual majority of this country decide to take our country back. Shame on every last one of them, and shame on the BSA organization for their mealy-mouthed non-apology for this nonsense.

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