Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blut und Scheisse

We can't honestly say we weren't warned, nor can we honestly claim to be surprised. This is who he's always been -- not just bigoted, but stubborn and vain past the point of rational self-interest. People are welcome and correct to focus on Clownstick's insistence on both-siding with nazis, the most slam-dunk of all political oppositions to take.

He's sunk so low in approval ratings, and the bar has been lowered so much for him, he literally would have gained credence and political capital just by beating on the white power assholes. And of course he couldn't do it -- every single time he tries to speak spontaneously, he reveals and projects exactly who he's always been. He's incapable of doing otherwise. I will never not be utterly baffled that so many people couldn't see that characteristic. It's not like he ever tried to hide it.

At some point there will be some sort of political reckoning, if for no other reason than that he's making it easier for his congressional compadres to distance themselves from his poisonous agenda and toxic personality. In the meantime, keep on diggin', fucko. By the time this is all over, even Fixed Noise won't have his fat back, and the world will be boycotting his name, and everything it's plastered on.


  1. I wish this was going to be true. I listen to the Trumpalos, and they are still, on the whole, completely committed to their Big Man. and as long as this is the case, the GOP will remain behind him.

  2. There seems to be what might be characterized as a (caution: jargon alert) media meta-narrative in play here, when we try to get a handle on what the Trumpalos are thinking. Obviously they're not thinking -- as with reading, that's for elites and establishment types -- but there's a consistent undercurrent that's never stated, but always there:

    I hate liberals, I hate the liberal media, and I hate liberal politicians. Even if I change my mind, I will never admit it to them, because that would give them the upper hand.

    Conventional wisdom has it that most of them will never change their minds, based on the fact that the responses they give their media interlocutors all sound like cult jabber. And it takes longer than seven months to get cult members to turn, especially when the alternative gets roughly zero press time.

    The ones that are capable of changing their minds and leaving the cult will do so when they see that the policies espoused by this administration affect their lives directly. The jobs don't come back, the response to a natural disaster or terrorist attack gets botched (and Charlottesville is a perfect small-scale example of that), and they'll fall off the bandwagon.

    The catch is that they won't share that change of mind with the media anthropologists. We won't know unless the results are permitted to come through at the ballot box.

  3. Good points.

    I wonder though, the Governor of Virginia is a Democrat, and Charlottesville is hardly West Virginia or Indiana in its politics (at least on the face). Would they blame Trump for the disastrous response? Heck, McA sounded terrible in his defensiveness.

    (Confession: My professional degree is from UVA, and I loved the town, so there was a personal interest here).
