Sunday, August 20, 2017

Don't Stop Believing

The carnage continues --  not only is it possible that Emperor Snowflake may be responsible for the breakup of Journey (and hey, how surprising is it not only that he has a "spiritual advisor," but that said "advisor" is willing to admit to that?), but his earthy rubes are "embarrassed" by him.

To which I would say to those rubes:  hey, the rest of us are embarrassed by you numbskulls, and I am truly sorry that I have only two middle fingers to wave in your general direction. As long as he's too stupid and weird to get anything meaningful done, he can stay for all I care, and the more it reminds these idiots that their dying towns are still dying, the better. Choke on it, assholes.


  1. As a lover of "scary" (Satanic) European metal, never been a fan of Journey Pop. Still love the series of posts from Schon, though!

    (now playing: Blood Ceremony*, "Lord of Misrule". Amazingly appropriate for the Trump era?

    *Jethro Tull flutes, amazing smoky female vocalist, and awesome 70s style heavy rock!

  2. I can take or leave most Journey, especially the "hits." It's a bit weird how a couple of their middling Eighties songs have attained this iconic place in American music. Our appetite for empty nostalgia knows no bounds.

    Still, Steve Perry was a great vocalist at his peak, and Neal Schon is a fantastic guitarist, especially live. I still recall him sitting in with Letterman's band years ago, blew the doors of the place. It's no fluke that he was playing in Santana's band at 14.

    I like a lot of the Eurometal bands, not much with the satanic (or "satanic") stuff. I've been digging back into Coroner and Opeth lately, they hold up remarkably well.

    *Jethro Tull flutes, amazing smoky female vocalist, and awesome 70s style heavy rock!

    All of those things are selling points for me. I will check them out.
