Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Fuck 'em All, Let Billy Graham Sort 'em Out

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it. -- Voltaire

The fuck 'em never stops:

More people in some key counties [Fuckface Von Clownstick] carried in the 2016 presidential election say the U.S. is worse off now than say it is better off, according to a new survey.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll surveyed residents of 438 counties that saw a surge last year for [Clownstick] or flipped to vote Republican in the 2016 election after previously going for President Obama in 2012.

The poll found 32 percent of people in those "[Clownstick] counties" think the country is better off now than it was before [Clownstick] assumed office.

But 41 percent think the country is worse off.

A majority of people surveyed, 53 percent, don't think the [fucktard] has a clear agenda.

Nearly half of respondents, 48 percent, said they approved of [Clownstick]'s job performance. But 50 percent of respondents disapproved of the [fucktard]'s job performance.

I recall making a similar Voltairean "prayer" when these incompetent rubes elevated their incompetent doofus to a job that actually requires some skills and traits that are not easy to come by: intelligence, discipline, compassion, patience, focus, curiosity, empathy, honesty (with oneself at least), a sense of humor, a knowledge of history and context, the ability to see the big picture, knowledge of how things get done in the mechanics and procedures of gubmint. That plea to an indifferent void can be summed up thusly: I hope these idiots get exactly what they voted for. And they are, they have, they will. Because he has none of the skills enumerated above, not even one.

And he is not going anywhere, not anytime soon. The walls are starting to close in, the edifice starting to crumble, the clothes turning to mostly imaginary rags and tatters. Mueller is going to skull-fuck this administration, whether or not he is able to root out the rotten head of this mafiya lineup. But Mueller is methodical, and plays this out slowly, patiently, carefully. He leaves nothing to chance. This will take some time.

So if this trend in polls and events and arrogant stupidity continues, the angry rubes will get to watch their hero reveal himself as the moron most of us knew he was all along. But they'll be the ones stuck with him, in their no-way-out dead-end destitution.

I don't know what to tell ya, folks. This is what you wanted, this is what you got. He is exactly what he told you he was -- a drunk on a barstool, full of volume and bluster, and completely unencumbered by knowledge or facts or even basic decency. You fell for it. Maybe you should let your lawnmower mechanic remove your brain tumor, since expertise don't matter, and reading is an elitist activity. Good luck with all that.

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