Sunday, December 31, 2017

Orange Is the New Asshole

Maybe it's just me, but I won't be at all surprised when it turns out that "Sheriff" Clarke has a snuff porn collection, or a basement full of buttfucked hitchhikers, or he runs a human trafficking ring. There's just something off about the guy, and it's not just the eighty-seven pieces of flair he festoons himself with, in order to virtue signal to the snowflake magats out there. He's not afraid to make the tough decisions, like letting prisoners die of thirst! You sensitive librul pussies will just never understand!

No, it's the sheer glee with which Clarke approaches his institutionally-backed sadism. Someone shakes his head at him reproachfully on an airplane, Clarke is happy to abuse his power and have the guy taken in and pushed around on landing. Dan Black should probably consider himself lucky Clarke didn't have him body-cavity-searched and put on a terror watch/no-fly list. That's really how petty a human being Clarke is. If he has any sons, I can guarantee you that they hate him, and are just waiting patiently for him to be sucked into a jet engine.

Like the fake billionaire Clarke rhetorically fellates every chance he gets, Clarke is a bully at heart, a thug, a creepy asshole, a scumbag who projects all of his sins and hypocrisies onto people who don't have access to the same levels of brute power. He's exactly the kind of person who should never have been allowed to be in law enforcement in the first place, but too often are welcomed into the system with open arms, to do damage until they finally bust up the wrong person.

They're supposed to have psych batteries these days to keep pigfuckers like Clarke away from dangerous toys, but as we see periodically, the dipshits and assholes manage to sneak in from time to time. It's all about what we're able to do about them, and holding them accountable for their actions.

Perhaps most tragically, if you read the letter that was sent to Clarke, it is entirely untrue that "no evidence" was found to support Dan Black's claim. So either Clarke can't read, or like his role model, he is entirely comfortable with LYING.

And despite Clarke's plaintive whining about the eeeevil librul media "bullying" him with their fake news and such, of course it is Clarke himself who has exhibited a longstanding pattern of bullying and extreme sensitivity. Again, all Black did was confirm that Clarke was who Black thought he was, shake his head quietly, say "no" when Clarke asked him if he had a problem, and then moved on. It was Clarke who chose to escalate a simple five-second encounter, because like all bullies, he's a pussy who can't stand it that many people think he's a fucking asshole.

Yet instead of changing his behavior just a touch, Clarke chose to affirm that perception (again, exactly like his idol). Life is all about choices, and Clarke's choice was to abuse his office to push a taxpayer around, just to show he could. Any time someone with that sort of personality disorder is given a position of responsibility, it is practically a guarantee that sooner or later, someone will get hurt.

Are we starting to see a pattern here, a trend? Like I keep saying, assholes keep misbehaving because everyone else decides it's just not worth it to confront them. That might get you out of a particular situation unscathed, but I promise you, for individuals with this flavor of low-level sociopathy, it only encourages them to continue such behavior. After all, why wouldn't they? There is literally no reason not to.

Let's make a collective resolution for the coming year to not let assholes get away with their bullshit anymore. It's what got us into this mess in the first place. Shut them down, all of them, by whatever means are available.

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