Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Kids Are Alright

Maybe instead of getting annoyed with Sanctimonium Santorum trolling high school students with his sage "take CPR in case aderanged shooter drops in with an AR-15" advice, maybe we should ask CNN why they keep having in on to spout nonsense. The fact that he was once a You Ass Senator only means that Pennsyltuckians have a knuckle-dragger contingent like every other state in the union.

Look, this is an industry, and CNN has no problem selling the nutritional equivalent of deep-fried twinkies, under the usual guise of "let's hear both sides." Again, when the issue is how can we stop or at least reduce the frequency of school shootings?, recommending CPR classes and posting five-gallon buckets at strategic locations is not a fucking "side," it's inexcusably stupid and borderline deranged.

So you might say to yourself, "Self, I wonder why the supposedly librul lamestream media keep having liars and morons peddle nonsense and cheap invective? I wonder why the nation's leading newspapers keep making bi-weekly pilgrimages out to talk to handfuls of fist-shaking codgers in dilapidated diners in decrepit towns?"

The mediots are dedicated first and foremost to peddling clickbait, things that will infuriate all the usual people and get them squawking. They are marketing a product, just as surely as Frito-Lay or Smirnoff or Applebee's or Tampax is marketing a product.

It is our collective decision whether we wish to consume the media product -- and more importantly, the products of their sponsors -- or not. It's also our decision whether or not we wish to take note that the person who runs CNN is the same person who ran NBC when Fuckface Von Clownstick had his stupid fake-tycoon celebritard fuckfest, and if that's all just a big coincidence.

The Parkland students have managed a formidable accomplishment, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people in hundreds of cities around the world, with just a month to organize things, with the right-wing propaganda machine and its various scumbags and dogsbodies [paid crisis actors!] focused squarely on them. Obviously the ultimate outcome of the marches remains to be seen, but the students have already demonstrated one very important principle that everyone can take note of:  you don't have to take shit from these people. At all.

These young people have had hideous, hateful nonsense hurled at them, in social media and on the teevee and probably in their local communities, death threats and invective from people they don't know, and therefore have no idea if they're "real" or just outrage trolling. And they've shrugged it off completely, refusing to acknowledge the assholes, calling out politicians at every level.

There are really only two ways to make the vile scumbags pay attention:  the ballot box and the wallet. And people can and should use both of those things, and not be afraid to dig deep. The Parkland students were effective in that arena as well, without really even trying; once the NRA rushed to show just how monstrous they truly are, it didn't take long for their corporate sponsors to distance themselves.

So who are the sponsors of the CNN show that had that dipshit Santorum on to burble his abusive nonsense? Maybe they need a friendly reminder about where their advertising dollars ultimately come from. That's what got that fuckhead O'Reilly banished to podcasting out of the den in his empty house. The gun-humpers have no compunction about pissing all over the First Amendment in order to "protect" their fevered vision of the Second Amendment. Maybe it's time to show that everyone can play that game.

Or, to dig a bit deeper, remember who produced the aforementioned fake-tycoon celebritard fuckfest? I've said it before and I'll say it again:  social media and reality teevee have wrecked this country, and the foremost purveyor of the latter form of televised diarrhea is that limey turd Mark Burnett, who also produces Survivor, which seems like it oughta be years past its sell-by date even for the inert gastropods who still watch that dreck (in between Bachelor marathons and intravenous mayonnaise feedings).

So who sponsors Survivor, and can they (and CBS, of course) be leaned on? Personally, I can't boycott something I've never watched, but they don't know that. This is what it's come to, because this is what they've insisted on. It's long past time now to give it back with both barrels. And we've all just been given a crash course in how to do that.

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