Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Chilling Effect

Well, there they go again -- an honest, hard-workin' talk-show raver has been run out of his job by LIBTARD CORRECKNESS YOU GUYS. First they came for poor Laura Ingraham for taunting, then Kevin Williamson loses his livelihood just because he insisted that getting an abortion be punishable by death. And now this.

Why oh why can't a free and open exchange of thoughtful ideas include threats of violence? I mean, where's the fun in that? Can't everyone else simply read the minds of people like Jamie Allman and Kevin Williamson, and intuit that they and their ilk are, to a person, just a bunch of fat lazy armchair tough guys who couldn't harm anything more powerful than a bag of Doritos, that this is all just idle jabber, that the losers who listen to these phony-tough assholes are just like them, a bunch of dickless crybabies chewing holes in their cheeks with their impotent rage?

The main thing to remember, at all times, is that there's really just two effective methods of getting your point across to the cocksuckers of the world:  ballots and wallets. But you have to go deep and wide. For example, why boycott Laura Ingraham when the network she works for is a cesspool of lies and filth? Fox is a scummy organization that operated in a culture of rape and sexual harassment, and now peddles lies in dump-truck volume. The network itself actively destroys the fabric of this country on a daily basis, for no better reason than to make money and piss off doddering morons.

Same goes for Jamie Allman -- the resignation is a nice start, but Sinclair aspires to be the network version of Fox's cable operation. They have literally said that they want to help Preznit Tide Pod Challenge, and they want to do it the same way Fox has been doing it, with lies and propaganda.

This is so much bigger than whichever of these scumbags is picking on this or that Parkland survivor, whther it's physically threatening David Hogg, or photo-shopping pics of Emma Gonzalez ripping up the Constitution. They are liars, calumniators, bearers of false witness. They support a piece of shit like Scott Pruitt screwing the taxpayers and wrecking the environment; they support a clown like Ryan Zinke strutting around like a fake cowboy and selling national monuments to oil companies, when he's not logrolling massive disaster relief jobs to unqualified companies in his district. They support a religious fanatic like Betsy DeVos destroying what's left of the public education system in this country, and turning it into profit centers.

This is all or nothing, folks. This is not a good-faith dialogue of intellectual probity and thoughtful ideas. This is nothing short of a rhetorical war with people who will never support their arguments in good faith. That is a waste of time. Either you ignore their poison and hope it goes away (futilely), or you let the companies who sponsor them know that it will cost them your business.

Maybe they'll do the same thing to Jimmy Kimmel or Stephen Colbert or Bill Maher. That's the risk and the promise of this strategy. The 2016 election cast into sharp relief what kind of country the US had turned into, or perhaps was all along. But we know more, so much more, now than we did even eighteen months ago, and there is no more excuse for the dipshits who voted for him thinking he'd "grow into the office" or "bring change" or whatever stupid thing they told themselves as self-absolution for their dumb decision.

There are no more excuses. What happens in six months will either reinforce the seismic shift of 2016, or possibly point to a direction back from the brink. The absolutely most effective -- and entirely peaceful and non-violent -- way to accomplish this is with economic coercion. But it's not just about the electoral cycle. It is an ongoing fight, every day, every week. You can bet that they are working at it diligently.

Remember, you don't have to take their shit. Their entire argument about the "free marketplace of ideas" is a pernicious lie. They have no interest in honest debate on any subject. Theirs is the ethos of full-throated, epistemically closed nihilism. There's no responding to it; you might as well yell into a toilet bowl. When enough people quit bringing sporks to the gunfight, and realize that these fuckers have no rules or mores, you can shut them down.

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