Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Frogs of War; Or, Alpha Frog

I don't pay a whole lot of attention to European politics in general or French politics in particular, but Emmanuel Macron's snuggling up to the likes of Emperor Snowflake reeks of desperation. Macron can't possibly think that the JCPOA can be renegotiated on the terms he and Snowflake propose, even though it's clear that Snowflake does think that's the case, making some blustery threats if Iran were to resume nuclear weapons development (which they obviously would if we welshed on the agreement).

Listening to this fat, incompetent old man rail like a barstool drunk at the teevee in the tavern, it's hard to imagine what sort of dupe listens to this idiot jabber and hears anything fearful or praiseworthy. Only a complete pussy would actually be scared of him, and only a cult member would actually think he sounds tough. If anything, he seems intent on showing both Iran and North Korea that the US cannot be trusted on these sorts of agreements.

(Nor is it helpful when Snowflake praises a murderous dictator like Kim Jong Un as "very honorable." It's slightly better than the schoolyard taunts of the past, but this is a guy who literally had his own half-brother murdered in public on foreign soil by poisoners, a Putin tactic if ever there was one.)

So Macron's star is falling, and with it his rather grandiose version of himself (which may explain at least some of his rush to embrace Snowflake, even letting Snowflake treat him like a chump at the photo-op). Macron is not wrong about the worrisome rise of authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe, but the solution is not to push Poland and Hungary back into Russia's sphere of influence. All of Europe is facing this crisis of authoritarianism, due to several factors, but so far Macron has yet to demonstrate that has either the best or only solutions. His "Jupiter" posturing should go over very well with his Ozymandias hero.

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