Thursday, April 19, 2018

Nobody Does It Better

Nobody has ever been more of an obvious con man.
Nobody has ever been more incompetent at starting and/or running an actual business.
Nobody has ever been more transparent in their attempts to deceive, bamboozle, LIE at every opportunity, even creating opportunities to lie about things that are not even worth lying about.
Nobody has ever been more abusive to the English language, in terms of consistently using words that don't mean what he thinks they mean.
Nobody has ever been more destructive to this nation's norms and institutions, things we used to take for granted.
Nobody has ever been a worse husband, or a worse father. I hope that every time his gold-digger wife looks at him, she sees the blow-up dolls he stuck his little cheeto in, while she sat in her fucking tower, sometimes pregnant, sometimes with an infant for the nannies to take care of.
Nobody has ever been more of an obnoxious, cheap shill, in his tiresome attempts to hump everyone's leg until there's a tiny hole in it, insisting contrary to what all can see that he has a thirty-inch cock.
Nobody has ever been more like a stupid, tantrum-throwing toddler, every fucking day, without fail.
Nobody has ever been more gullible, taking all his marching orders from a bunch of traitors and sycophants at a propaganda network owned by an Australian.
Nobody has ever been more wasteful with self-tanning lotion, or spray, or UV beds, or whatever the fuck it is he uses to turn himself into a raccoon-eyed orange handbag.
Nobody has ever been more of a worthless cocksucker, useless and pathetic and utterly without any value whatsoever just as a human being.
Many people are saying that this asshole is a fucking embarrassment to what's left of this country, now that the pampered plutocrat class have killed it, and are merely figuring out how to divvy up the carcass.
People don't realize that because the Richie Rich scumbags have already killed it, the nation will probably never recover from what's taken place over the past three years.

Either we get rid of this piece of shit, and everyone who enabled him, or we deserve them. There is no middle ground to be had on this.

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