Saturday, May 12, 2018

Job Qualification, Slight Return: These People Are Fucking Scum

"She would of been a good woman," The Misfit said, "if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life." -- Flannery O'Connor, A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Let's touch back on a couple things from the comment about John McCain the other day in an internal White House meeting by a deputy staffer named Kelly Sadler. The putatively librul corporate media has its talking points lined up uniformly, that the capital of this withering husk of a nation has its collective self in a "roil" over Sadler's comment, and that the White House and its soulless spokesbeast, Baghdad Barb, refuse to apologize or even discipline Sadler, much less fire her worthless Moonie Times ass.

They're never going to apologize nor fire Sadler because from their point of view, no wrong was done; in fact, as far as they're concerned, this was another "mission accomplished" moment.

You see, as McCain is going about getting his mortal ducks in a row right now, preparing to meet his maker and so on, he has made a few public comments that have annoyed the emperor. And so Sadler's comment was almost certainly leaked in order to tell McCain to (quite literally) fuck off and die. There should be no confusion about this.

The time to be angered about this sort of vile nonsense was three years ago, when then-candidate Fuckface Von Clownstick disparaged McCain's service in an even more stark, ugly fashion. Nothing was done about it then, and nothing will be done about it now. This latest iteration is simply a reminder that by definition, in order to carry water for a vile scumbag, you yourself need to be of like mind.

I'm quite sure that there are many individuals in this coat-hanger abortion of an administration who lie to themselves routinely and insist that they are there to work for the country, to protect "our" interests. This is a common trait among traitors -- they frequently believe quite sincerely that they have compromised their (it turns out) non-existent principles for a greater good.

To cite just a couple of salient examples, I'm sure that John Kelly and his fuck-buddy Kirstjen Nielsen, who are no fans of the emperor but do seem to have some sincere (if wrong-headed) convictions on the subject of immigration, probably tell themselves that very thing or some variation. Then they head to Kelly's office, where he bends her over the desk and plows that ass, then flips her over and puts her ankles on his shoulders, all while singing the Marine Corps anthem. From the halls of Montezooo-ooh-ma, to the fat cock in my paaaaants!

Ahem. Where were we? Oh yeah, starting up a rumor. I'm sure other people have noticed it as well, but I'd bet good money that John Kelly is banging Kirstjen Nielsen, maybe at work, maybe at some off-campus fuck-pad. But they're fuckin', you can count on it. I don't care, I just think it's funny.

Anyway. In all this performative drama, it should be noted that McCain himself plays no small part. Don't get me wrong -- I agree with McCain on very little, and it's even arguable that his notorious flyboy antics got him shot down in the first place. But the bottom line is that he spent 5½ years in a dungeon, a place that most of us wouldn't last a week, and more to the point, he was in there about five years longer than he had to be, because he had a sense of honor that is utterly alien to dung beetles like Fuckface Von Clownstick or Kelly Sadler and the rest of those animals, or the endless human centipede that comprises Fixed Noise and their dipshit audience. A decent person would know immediately that that level of sacrifice can never be disparaged or criticized. Yet here we are.

And yet, for all of his burbling rambunctions against the predation of the incompetent crime family that is skull-fucking the executive branch of the American gubmint, McCain has literally a unique opportunity to finally abandon the hacky "maverick" posture that's sustained him all these years, and say at long last what he really thinks. Not through his surrogates, not through his equally tiresome hack daughter, and not through the sotto voce virtue signaling of disinviting Shit-for-Brains to his funeral.

Not to mention that despite what he says, McCain votes the party line, no matter how much in conflict with his exalted principles, roughly 90% of the time. This includes the current nest of vipers. Then there's that little matter of McCain being in great part directly responsible for the current ground-level location of the proverbial bar, thanks to him single-handedly launching the infotainment career of a certain moron from Alaska. Without the Quitta from Wasilla, you don't have a built-in base ready to suckle at the spray-tanned teat of the current slab of rancid ham.

There's not much more time to tell the truth, Senator, but there is still some time to do so, bluntly and in plain English:  In barely more than a year, this administration has already distinguished itself as the most corrupt, incompetent, vile gang of fools this nation has ever been burdened with. They are only going to get worse, because "worse" is their true nature. It's all they know. Their capacity for inhumanity and cruelty is matched only by their blatant greed and stupidity. They are fucking us up for the next generation. It will take decades, if ever, for us to undo the damage. This is not about me and my terminal condition, it is about this country and what our expectations are, and if we can still move forward together, or if we need to contend with a political cargo cult that refuses to listen to reason, and exults in public demonstrations of lies and cruelty and hostility. I'll be gone soon, but I hope you all take to heart that it's time to fuck or walk, to decide that these people and these things are unacceptable, and to act accordingly.

It's time to forget about the bullshit of "decorum" and of being a lifetime company man. The two things John McCain should do to put a respectable cap on a life (if not a political career) lived honorably are to renounce the Republican Party and to call out the emperor and his minions for what they truly are.

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