Saturday, May 19, 2018

Royal Flush

I guess 'murkins need some sort of break from the constant barrage of shit that Captian Combover launches our way on an hourly basis, but e-fucking-nough of the wedding coverage already. I honestly have no idea why anyone would "care" about this, beyond the usual basic well-wishing you might have for any couple tying the proverbial knot.

Near as I can tell, there are only three (3) interesting things about this event:
  1. They do seem to be nice enough people, and Harry has actually served two combat tours in Afghanistan, at his own insistence. Compare and contrast with the current scum in charge of this country, and keep this fact in mind at all times -- no Clownstick has ever served in the US military at any time. At all. Don't hold your breath, because despite their fecundity, the Clownsticks believe "public service" basically equates to hustling charities and selling distressed timeshares to morons.
  2. This wedding is as much a political event as it is some fairytale romance bullshit that its target audience of gay men and day-drinking housewives think it is. The proof of that is in how Harry was forced to disinvite his good friend Barack Obama (you may have heard of him), because the British Foreign Office is concerned about upsetting the rather delicate relations between the US and UK right now.

    I have news for you limeys -- your meaningless acquiescence will not curry you any favor, for Emperor Snowflake is a capricious, volatile creature, who forgets favors instantly and remembers slights forever. Sometimes kissing ass just gets you a face-fart. Smell the love!
  3. The BBC is trolling the emperor. That made it all worthwhile.
Good luck to the kids. Back to your regularly scheduled programming on 'murka Teevee, where health care is dead, ammunition is live, wealth is only for the already wealthy, and soma is for everyone else.

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