Sunday, May 27, 2018

Schrödinger's Lies

Another reminder that too many of the bigger names of the mainstream media are completely terrible at their jobs. They do not, in fact, seem to know what their job actually is. Something about afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted, one might suppose. That value seems to have become an afterthought, long forgotten in the mists of time.

To careerist hacks like Maga Haberman and Chris Cillizza, it is not at all important whether the emperor lies out of intent, or if he's simply too stupid to be lying. They would rather be seen pretending to try to parse that distinction, than to actually confront these people on their mendacity. Haberman wants to write her book and preserve her access. Cillizza is riding a gravy train with biscuit wheels. That's all this is really about, and they are perfectly content to continue in their assigned roles as enablers to fascism, so long as the checks don't bounce.

Does intent have to be conclusively proven before the word "lie" can be used? This seems to be the defense our intrepid mediots are leaning on. By such a standard, it would be almost impossible to use that particular word to call things for what they clearly are.

Let's flesh out that definition a bit -- when someone (anyone, not just Emperor Snowflake) is so routinely ignorant and indifferent to caring whether what they say is factual or not, that is still a lie. The more power and money and responsibility that person has the more important it is to report it as such. Otherwise -- get this -- the person has no incentive to stop lying.

He's been playing this game with the professional journos for four decades, and they still refuse to learn. Boycott the Times and CNN already. Fuck these people.

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