Thursday, May 10, 2018

Triumph of the Swill

So there's another rally tonight, in another ungrateful shithole that should have been allowed to slide under, for all the good it did. And of course the goobers are doing their moron calisthenics in preparation for the wampeter, bleating Lock durrr up! in unison. They don't know why, not that they need a reason. As the poet said, you really can't fix stupid.

In the case of these jokers, you can't even buy 'em off with a low unemployment rate and improved economic prospects. And photos (in the CNN link) of these bozos don't help, can't convince any honest observer of anything other than the same weird, mean, ineffably dumb vibe they've given off for a good three years now, loud 'n' proud. They seem to function on the notion that "elites" despise them, look down on them, think they're better 'n' them, whatever the usual list of bullshit grievance is that powers these dupes.

It may or may not trouble them to come to the realization that no one fucking cares about them and their bullshit. It's not that I dismiss them and don't care about them because I hate them or think I'm better than them (although I definitely do find them utterly contemptible). I dismiss them and don't care about them simply because I realize that there's nothing anyone can say to them about anything, to break them from their cult daze.

That's really all this is, as we all now realize. It's a just a cult, like the $cientologists or the Hare Krishnas or the Bokononists or the Kiss Army from the 1970s. The screaming teenage girls from the Beatles era; the pulsing, murderous Hindu and Muslim mobs during the Indian Partition. There's a continuum to the mentalities of mobs and cults, from happy and celebratory to vicious and brutal. Even on the "happy" end of that spectrum, there is always an undercurrent, the potential for violence. Large groups of people have a knack for skewing to a mean of incoherence, and that's where the magic happens.

As always, though, despite the breathless coverage, the corporate media once again fail to convey the absolute simplest of all data points -- how many people actually attended this thing? You might have to contact the local fire marshal there to really be sure, but know this:  the (ahem) NorthSide Middle School Gymnasium, where these suckers waited in line for their glance at the spray-tanned golem, has a capacity of 7,373. Maybe it was filled, maybe it wasn't; maybe there were more suckers waiting like inert objects out in the parking lot, maybe not. We'll probably not be apprised of those things, since (again) the corporate media are largely inept at their chosen vocation.

Just keep that in mind when these dipshit conventions come up, that the venues are smaller than they're made to appear, that there are fewer of these retards than they think there are (though still too many), that the media are too lazy to provide this simple but valuable data point.

And while they might be basking in the greatness of bringing North Korea to the negotiating table and abrogating the JCPOA, we'll see how they like those rising gas prices this summer, how much that extra twenty bucks in their paycheck covers all that.

He's making Putin money, and he's definitely helping alter the East Asian power structure by slowly, steadily removing us from that picture, much to China's elation. And it's turning out that (surprise!) Michael Cohen was running a pay-to-play shop, that half the Cabinet are crooks, and the other half are dipshits (and there's certainly some overlap, such as Ben Carson).

But Real America wants to lock her up, for something or other. Trial and execution now, charges later, one supposes. Whatever it takes to fill the void of their wasted existences. Everyone of the clowns shown in the CNN photos is someone that most of us would avoid, not because they're criminals, but because they're losers.

Take a look at the fool holding the sign in the above photo. Does that strike as someone that's had any successes in their life? Is that an act -- scribbling out a sloppy sign with a half-assed slogan, dressing like a slob and spending all afternoon standing in line in the hopes of watching a tent revival with a bunch of recycled applause lines -- that is done by someone who isn't a complete fucking failure?

Mostly we're just tired of watching and hearing about these idiots and their worthless grievances. But everyone who's tired of this shit, and these shitheads, needs to show up and vote this year and from now on, no ballot or battle too small.

The soft-spoken corollary to the enlightened principle of self-governance is that under such a system, people collectively get the government they deserve. This is certainly true right now, and it will be true in November. And if the blue tsunami comes to be, no matter how overwhelming it is, it will not be enough. I don't want to make nice or reconcile with these chumps; I have nothing in common with them. If the Democrats win decisively enough, they need to immediately embark on undoing everything Emperor Snowflake took it upon himself to undo out of pure spite.

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