Tuesday, June 19, 2018

One May Shun Blunder Clod

The immigration "policy" is, depending on who's saying what on any given day:  not a policy; definitely a policy; a good policy based on biblical principles; an indefensible policy crafted and enforced by perfidious demoncrats, who as the minority party could fix all this overnight, but are (because, did you hear, they're eeeevil) somehow, through imaginary numbers and the square root of negative-one, preventing the party that has a majority in both houses from crafting a more humane policy -- which, of course, does not exist, unless of course you like it, in which case Jebus wills it.

Got all that?

Look. Let's cut the shit. In a backhanded way, this monstrous policy, enforced by these utterly monstrous people, at least forces us all to confront and decide what we are, what we've become, and what we want to be. Either you support ripping toddlers from their mothers' arms or you don't. Either you think it's okay to give the parents a lie borrowed straight from the Nazis, that they're taking the kids to get a bath, in order to literally kidnap them, or you don't. Either you support keeping children warehoused in dog runs inside an abandoned Wal-Mart.... well, you know the song by now. Is there common ground to be found between these disparate groups of people? Didn't think so.

Some of the more emotional news folks have characterized these kids as hostages, and that oversells it a bit. Because hostage, even with its implications of compliance and subordination and victimization, still confers humanity. The hostages are human, that's what makes their captivity so tragic.

These children and their parents, on the other hand, are human only in the most technical sense. They are not hostages, they are bargaining chips. They are inert objects being used to trade for something useless that the emperor wants in order to puff himself up to his increasingly putrid base. They are tokens in a game being played by soulless bastards.

The exhausting daily scamboogery has surely been enough to draw clear lines already, but now we are talking about women, children, families seeking asylum, trying to flee levels of violence we can't fathom, attempting to escape in many instances the very same MS-13 types that the emperor has been booga-booga-ing about for a couple years now.

There is nothing brave or heroic or even useful about what ICE and the Border Patrol are doing with these people -- they are, after all turning themselves in, naively under the impression that international laws and treaties regarding the seeking of asylum are still in effect. It's not even fish in a barrel; the fish are swimming right up and leaping into the boat.

So it's clear to all what they really are, all of them. The administration, the weasels in congress, the bitter oldster fanbase. The only question is who is more disgusting, more worthy of contempt -- the fascist scum who will do or say anything in order to implement their non-policy, or the "moderate" Republican senators who keep whining and bullshitting about how "this is not us" and turn around and vote right along with the monster they decry.

Fuck them; they own all of it. Never let them forget that. Stephen Miller, John Kelly, Kirstjen Nielsen, and the emperor himself, they are all scum. They're getting off on this shit. But the craven, cynical calculations of Jeff Flake and Bob Corker and Susan Collins are no better -- in fact, in a way, they're worse. Because at least Miller isn't pretending not to be a fucking asshole, just so he can waltz into a K Street lobby house and spend the rest of his working life milking the cow from the other end.

(I'd even throw our good friend Poor Ol' Straight Talk into that bucket of shitheads as well. Out of all of them, McCain truly has nothing to lose but his honor. The guy's dying of fucking brain cancer, and has the stones to lecture about doing the right thing, while never having the balls to, you know, cast a vote that would actually have more than rhetorical effect. Shameful.)

Enough of that "this is not who we are" bullshit. This is exactly who we are, if we fail to do or say anything about it. Call your reps; make sure you're registered to vote; make sure your friends are registered to vote. Tell your racist uncle to fuck off once and for all, or just refuse to talk to him at all anymore. This is not okay, and if we pretend it is, we're complicit too.

It's been a mantra here for quite some time, and it's time to repeat it, in conjunction with the usual trope of the next election being the most important of our lives:  this election is, without a doubt, a litmus test of who we are collectively. It's okay to be cautiously optimistic, but at the end of the day, it's about who can be motivated to show up and say enough. Either there really are more of us than there are of them, or not.

And if not, we'll get what's coming to us. But if the blue wave does come through, it is then incumbent upon the Democrats to go full-tilt into tearing these fuckers down, root and branch. Everyone from John Kelly to Steve Doocy should be made unemployable, rendered broke, made unfit to even be seen talking to by decent people. Because they have proven conclusively that it's not just about money or politics, but that they are fundamentally indecent people. They are the functional equivalent of pedophiles. They are pariahs, and need to be made such. Permanently. You don't give a cockroach a second chance.

The guiding instinct of the modern Democratic party is to compromise and get along and reach across the fucking aisle. This will no longer do. These animals need to be expelled from the corridors of decent public life. They do not need to be invited on the Sunday morning follies to tell their side one more blessed time. They are unfit for daylight, and need to be driven back into the dark. This includes anything with the name Fox on it, including their cartoon shows and football.

Fuck all of them. This is war now. This is what they wanted, and it's what they get. Never again.

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