Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun

Someone in the librul media needs to step forward and explain for the class why they persist in having that soulless turd Ghouliani on their supposedly informational shows. It's further proof that the shows, and the people on them, are really just talking to each other, rather than trying to impart useful information to the home audience.

Forget the fundamental truth that a decent society would have tarred and feathered this cocksucker and walked him into the ocean a long time ago. He's a lying scumbag and an unrepentant pigfucker. Whatever his dogsbody role for this cancerous anal fissure of an administration, no competent media presence should allow a piece of shit like Ghouliani to defile their studio.

It's a mindless, hopelessly cynical exercise:  you know he's lying, we know he's lying, and you know that we know that he's lying, and so on. So there's really no point in having people like Ghouliani or Kellyanne Conway or Sean Spicer on. Unless our point is really just to try to sell you cheeseburgers and tampons, while you're sitting there complaining about the perfidy of it all. The perfidy is the point. It's something to keep you riled up for your daily outrage pellet in the Skinner box of your life, and it's a friendly reminder of how powerless you really are.

It's too bad they don't teach basic concepts such as "responsibility" and "shame" at j-school.

In other news, the Vichy Times continues its role as useless handmaidens to these monsters. Fuck every last person involved in this shit. They might as well be working for him. Boycott them all.

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