Saturday, August 04, 2018

A Bottomless Well of Fuck 'em

Elections have consequences, part 512,783:

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The 16-year-old American daughter of a U.S. Marine held back tears as long as she could Friday before her family was split in two.

Her mother, Alejandra Juarez, was finally leaving for Mexico, rather than be sent off in handcuffs, after exhausting all options to stop her deportation.


Temo didn't figure his vote for [Fuckface Von Clownstick] would affect them personally. That was before the enforcement of [Clownstick's] "zero tolerance" policy toward illegal immigration.

Now, the Juarez family will be divided in two: Estela will join her mother in Mexico after she gets settled, while Temo cares for Pamela and pays the bills.


A reporter asked what she would say to the president. Alejandra said she'd ask how [Clownstick]could let this happen, since he "always says he loves the military and he's doing everything for the military."

"My husband fought for this country three times. The administration, yourself, you think you are punishing me. You're not just punishing me," she said, referring to her family. "I hope this make him happy. And I really pray that God will forgive him."
Lady, maybe you oughta have a talk with your fucking husband. These people are just too fucking much. He's doing exactly what he said he'd do, what he promised to do. When they say "Promises Made, Promises Kept," this is what they're talking about, and they're absolutely goddamned right.

Temo Juarez voted willingly for a man who kicked off his campaign by picking on immigrants, particularly Mexicans, portraying them in the worst possible light. Apparently Juarez assumed that Clownstick didn't mean Juarez or anyone he cared about, as if Clownstick was ever going to make any sort of distinction between brown people who aren't supposed to be here.

Welp, Juarez now gets to spend the rest of his life thinking about his own role in all this. Maybe he can explain his principled vote for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party to his daughters. You got all the time in the world for that now, chief.

There's not as many of them as there are of the Cletus safaris, but these dopey stories are no less baffling. I have no idea what to make of it, nor what we're all supposed to do with it. This is the political equivalent of deliberately pulling a vending machine over on yourself, and then whining that you have a broken leg.

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