Friday, August 31, 2018

Ex Type Thing

It normally wouldn't be worth the time to read, much less repost, gossip-column bullshit from the third ex-wife of that vile fuckhead Ghouliani. It's hard to imagine what sort of person could possibly give a shit what such a person has to say about much of anything; listening to someone who took up with a married man with a long history of cheating has no right to whine about him when he inevitably steps out on her. You knew what you were getting into, honey.

What is interesting is that she strongly implies that Rudy's a fall-down, starting-to-pickle-his-aging-brain alky. Which would explain his summer of embarrassment, trying lamely over and over to get his story straight, never quite getting it right no matter how many tries the Fixed Noise flying monkeys give him.

And it also fits perfectly with the larger, greater pattern for the fucktards currently lawn-darting the country and sucking its blood -- not just blatant cronyism, but inept cronyism:  the dingbat daughter and failson-in-law; the two failsons-by-blood; the cabinet full of dipshits and dweebs and money-grubbing slime. The rest of Clownstick's lawyers come off just as stupid and venal as the "man" himself, so Count Drunkula fits right in with the rest of the lot. It's dipshits all the way down.

The end of the article is the cherry on the cake:
Estimates peg Rudy’s net worth at around $45 million, and to their infinite chagrin, his enablers cannot enable him now. The president’s lawyer doesn’t have a prenup.
Perfect. I hope she takes him to the cleaners, and then makes a large donation to Kirsten Gillibrand's and/or Elizabeth Warren's 2020 presidential run.

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