Saturday, August 04, 2018

Hate Rally Arena Capacity Update

Something called "Olentangy Orange" High School in Lewis Center, Ohio, with "roughly 3,000 people....with more in an overflow room" attending, according to Business Insider. Sad!

During the dismal proceedings, Emperor Snowflake whined about how hot it was in the high-school gym. That's just your flop-sweat, old man. Hope it don't make the spray tan run!

Ohio's 12th was John Kasich's district for nearly twenty years, from 1983-2001. (The district was redrawn in 2011, because politicians pick their voters now, instead of the other way around.) Snowflake won the district by eleven points in 2016. They've had a Republican representative for almost every electoral cycle for the last hundred years.

This time around, he couldn't even bring himself to talk shit out in the open about Lebron James, after trashing him on Twitter less than twenty-four hours ago. What a fucking pussy. They're running scared now, and they know it. All Lebron has to do is tape a thirty-second blurb for Danny O'Connor, reminding everyone that Snowflake's "schools," unlike Lebron's, ended up having to pay out a $25 million judgment for ripping off working-class suckas.

Wait until next weekend's white power rally in DC, when he steps on his mini-cheeto yet again in "responding" to that. "Alpha male" my ass -- he doesn't even have the guts to call out people who are proud of being fucking nazis. Grampa Walnuts only knows how to talk to his brain-dead sycophants, not to people who actually pay attention and aren't branded by his dipshit cult.

Kudos to Business Insider for not only posting, but leading off with the (shit)head count. That's how it should be done.

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