Sunday, August 12, 2018


Virtually every policy and personnel decision/indecision made by this human centipede of an administration turns out to be a reflection, writ small of the operational principles baked into everything they do (and don't do).
  • The Cabinet appointments, aside from Jim Mattis, are clearly put in place to either monetize or implode the department they were selected to run. So you have Betsy DeVos, who would love nothing more than to turn the nation's public education system into a faith-based profit center. Rick Perry, who had no idea what the Department of Energy does, and who vowed to eliminate it in his high-larry-ous 2012 campaign, is in charge of our nukes and our efforts at renewable energy and energy independence. Ben Carson is barely qualified to sort aluminum cans at the ree-cycle center, and he's been put in charge of public housing, much to the thrill of the rentier class.
  • Tax cuts for people who already have many lifetimes' worth of money, and price hikes everywhere else to offset the measly thousand bucks some of the peons got as a one-time bonus.
  • Unnecessary tariffs and trade wars leading to spontaneous bouts of winning at companies across the country. The one saving grace of that is that the companies seem to be by and large comprised of people who voted for this, so thank the FSM they're getting what they wanted.
  • Turning the Veterans' Administration over to his buddies -- his customers -- at the Maga-Lardo. Fucking golf club cronies. The only reason this isn't a scandal is because no one has the ability to keep track of and pay attention to all the mendacity at this point. It's shit all the way down.
  • And now this stupid Space Farce thing. Look, there is conceivably a good-faith argument to be for the US to initiate a hegemonic program for space. So why not make that argument, instead of standing there like a jabbering dupe and saying DURRRR SPACE FORCE DURRRR FUCK YOU LIBTARDS over and over again. Could it be that the whole thing is bullshit? Nahhh, not these guys. Jesus H. Christ. Yeah, if you didn't know any better, you might get to thinking that this Space Farce bullshit is just a trillion-dollar defense-contractor scam with a classified budget.
The main thing is that some of these things -- again, especially the Space Farce -- are proposed only as post hoc justifications, after Mister Man gets a wild hair going and starts talking some nonsense. They have to go back and run some PR and photo-ops and pretend like, Oh yeah, this a totally real, legit thing.

Sure, just like the voting fraud committee that tried like hell for months to invent a problem that Shit-for-Brains had tweeted, until they finally had to grudgingly admit that it was even more difficult to invent than Benghazi. There are more examples.

To the extent that these shitheads will be remembered in history books and classes, it will be for singularly distinguishing themselves with this level of consistency -- that everything they ever did or said was at direct cross purposes with their supposed populism, and illustrated how they operate -- empty, venal slogans turned into half-assed policy simulacra.

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