Friday, August 24, 2018

You Can't Be Neutral On a Moving Train

I think Steve is on to something here, that the one thing that could make Clownstick's base start to turn on him is if they felt like he wasn't owning libtards sufficiently. I would (and previously have, in various iterations) suggest that he really isn't doing that anymore, not that he ever really was. It just hasn't been adequately conveyed to them as such yet.

Don't bother reading or even skimming the soi-disant conservatard rags, your National Review and Weekly Standard and such like. We all know full well that your average basetard does not read such twaddle -- indeed, they clearly don't read any books or publications at all, preferring instead to get their talking points from whatever misspelled meme in their Facebook feed that rings their bell.

Strategically, it helps to step back and understand the base for precisely what they are, in as close to an ideological sense as possible. True, there is no orthodox ideology with these folks; it really does revolve around either whatever they think will annoy the librul caricatures that permanently squat in their fever dreams, or whatever jingoistic nonsense that strokes their outrage boner.

And so while they consider themselves "conservatives," what they really are is reactionaries. There is a difference, and it's an extremely important one. And among the cruder, more emotional and anti-intellectual of that breed, it's not even just about rolling the clock back, but about the fight itself. The struggle, the kampf, the jihad. The holy effort against the minions of the evil Other.

Ultimately they become identified -- and most critically, identify themselves -- by their opposition to things. What are they for, any of them? Beyond the ridonkulous spray-tan glow of their cult leader, they really aren't for anything. They just have an idea, carefully nurtured and watered by constant exposure to the UV rays of Fixed Noise, of what "liberals" are "like," and what "they" "want." All without ever actually asking or listening to or even just observing an actual liberal.

Relying on a spoiled trust-fund douchebag like Fucker Carlson to tell you what "liberals" are after is about as sensible as....well, it's about as sensible as thinking that a five-time draft dodger who mocked a tortured combat veteran, and who joked that his own "personal Vietnam" was valiantly trying to fend off gonorrhea at Studio 54, might know a goddamned thing about military affairs, fighting wars, geopolitical strategy, or much of anything else.

So they are struggling under a tarp of intellectual autism, of epistemic closure and recursion. This is not only of their own choice, but of their own making. In order to constantly remain against things and never for them, they have to keep upping the ante, moving the goalposts, stroking that rage boner.

And when, as Steve points out, the libtards might not fear them anymore, might not fear him anymore, might not be pwned anymore, that's a problem that cuts to the very heart of their (to put it kindly) stunted epistemology.

Frankly, for as much as they whine about the perfidious librul media. They ought to be on their hands and knees thanking the corporate media. Dozens of regularly scheduled Cletus safaris, these dismal trudges out to innumerable, interchangeable haunted diners in washed-up craphole towns, populated by the same exact fist-shaking codgers who hate everything except their fucking gubmint handouts.

Not once have the corporate mediots bothered to come out and talk to Hillary voters, people like me who were glad to vote for her and would do it again without a second thought. They don't want to talk to me because I'd disrupt their stupid narrative, and the Clownstick voters definitely don't want to read what I have to say because my response has never been one of fear, but one of ridicule.

And that's the key to breaking the spell he has on them. This fat, ridiculous man, with his ludicrous raccoon-eyed spray-tan and that fucking thing on his goddamned head, that piss-colored swirl of cotton-candy microfiber. He's looks ridiculous, he sounds ridiculous, everything he says is the 2 AM rant of a mouthy barstool drunk.

Their god-emperor is a pathetic joke, and the more liberal voters and liberal politicians work that vulnerability, the more it gets under their thin skin. Because they know it's true, deep down inside. They know he's a liar. They know that he cheats at golf, cheats on his taxes, cheats on his wives. They know he does those things not because he's a man of greatness, but because he's a man of ineffable weakness, that he has a fatal character flaw, and that flaw is that he has no character. At all.

You wouldn't buy a used car from him, you wouldn't leave him alone with a female relative, you wouldn't buy stock in a company he owned, or a business venture he was pushing. There's a reason for those things, and everyone knows those reasons, whether they're card-carrying members of the Church of He Hates the Same People I Do, or they're libtards.

And that doesn't even touch on how incompetent he is at everything. You name it:  foreign policy, trade policy, strategic planning, any other thing you expect the holder of this office to be at least conversant in, he's a babbling, jabbering idiot who is too arrogant to realize how fucking dumb he is. Seriously, he's goddamn lucky that Obama left him with a reasonable well-humming economy (for the people who matter, anyway), but he still found a way to fuck that dog with his stupid trade war. He's a fucking moron and it's a fair thing for his opponents to smack him up on.

Democratic politicians are still reluctant to pursue that angle, because they are hung up on the "respect for the office" thing. Well, let me share an unfortunate secret with you, bunky -- those days are gone, and the sooner you open your eyes and realize it, the better off we'll all be.

They has zero respect for Obama, and treated him as such, from day one. It was an unfortunate character flaw of Obama's that he didn't understand how useful an iron fist would have been at that time. They would have been a million times worse with Hillary, even if she had won by a landslide, and they're going to pull the same shit on the next Democratic president, no matter who or when that turns out to be.

It's been said countless times before, but it cannot be repeated too often -- Clownstick is the symptom, not the disease. The disease is the Republican party, and it has metastasized into a ravaging cancer on the American body politic. Between the pelf-grubbing and the flag-humping and the vile jingoism, the GOP has stoked and cultivated the dipshit base to a rolling boil, all while picking their pockets and poisoning their water and air. And they are riding this chump's train right to the bitter end. They have made it very clear that they don't give two fucks about the country, or its institutions, or any of its non-donor citizens. You can all just fuck right off, as far as they're concerned.

And it's all cloaked in this sanctimonious in-your-face hypocrisy, the latest iteration of which is featured by the railroading of Brett Kavanaugh for that shitbird Kennedy's SCOTUS seat. In 2016, Bitch McConnell stole Fat Tony Scalia's seat for Neil Gorsuch, self-righteously proclaiming that the voters should have their say. Now he's rushing Kavanaugh because he's clearly afraid that -- wait for it -- the voters are about to have their say.

I won't mince words on this -- if McConnell fell head-first into a fucking wood chipper, I'd go get a handle of Ketel One and get fucking lit in celebration. Seriously, that little fucking toad is the closest thing this nation has to a full-on traitor. Ditto that equally sanctimonious piece of shit Orrin Hatch, as well as Miz Lindsay "Huckleberry Closetcase" Graham, both of whom preened about the "moral cleansing" of the office of preznit when it was Slick Willie's turn in the barrel, but can't defend their orange benefactor quickly enough.

The walls do seem to be closing in, slowly but inexorably, and the emperor's tweetkake rages grow more furious by the day, spraying all within range with his atomized orange old-man goo. But that fucker has the luck of the devil.

Should that luck finally fail, and he goes down, they all have to go down with him, hard. Not just the wide-open turds like McConnell and Graham, but the sanctimonious assholes like Jeff Flake. Any lobbying firm that hires that piece of shit needs to be instantly and permanently blackballed from the halls of governance.

Flake acts like his "for shame, good sir" tweets of disagreement count for something. But he'll vote for a shithead like Brett Kavanaugh all the same, even though no one's had any time to review even ten percent of his judicial record (and what has been reviewed so far is pretty fucking pathetic), even though Flake himself is retiring and thus has no political capital whatsoever at risk.

Someone should tell Flake he's a fucking disgrace of a human being, publicly wringing his hands like he has no power to affect anything, when the Senate is always one vote from thwarting evil. Seriously, I hope no one ever hires Jeff Flake for anything again in his rotten life. He sold his country down the river; it should be unacceptable that he get rewarded for that.

So yes, there are serious things at stake, and for vulnerable groups of people, those stakes are very real. But mockery and ridicule really are Clownstick's fatal weaknesses. He really can't stand it that people don't see his greatness. This is the real root of why he goes after Maxine Waters -- yes, partly because she's black, but also because she sees him for the weak clown that he really is, and addresses him as such. She ain't havin' it, and he knows he can't win with her, and it gets under that ridiculous spray-tan of his.

Again, the Dummycrats need to forget about the "respect the dignity of the office" stuff for now. Respect for norms and rules and decorum and all that other happy shit don't matter when only one side agrees to abide by those principles. So make mockery and ridicule the one-two punch, and use them well and often. This assclown is the epitome of the "he can dish it out but can't take it" breed of bully that turns into a complete pussy with one sock to the jaw.

So fucking wind one up already.


  1. Shared this on Facebook, it ought to be in skywriting in every city in America.

  2. The power of rightwing ideology is everything happens ex nihilo and every new day is started with Our staunchly held beliefs today are whatever pisses off the libs. But, the Dems better have learned from HRC's pursuit of the so-called moderate Republicans that everyone of those people is is a shameless traitor. They can't be reasoned with or shown videos of Pence or Lindsey Graham decrying an Adulterer in the WH and expect those two to abandon Traitor Trump.

    The Reactionary movement has been going strong since Reagan's win in 1980 (which was just 6 years after Nixon) Trump and the Teabigots didn't even wait for Dickless Cheney to be in the ground before voting in Cheney's spawn both physical and ideological.

    This is a long way of saying they have to be beaten, their pleas ignored, their cry of scandals scoffed at and their candidates defeated every time.

  3. i think it's racism. the orange ferret wearing treason weasel is loudly overtly racist. gives them permission at last show their racism in public. and misogynist. clearly he has no respect for women and neither does is ignorant base. including the women, they are clearly filled with self loathing. fear rage and hatred and the only emotions they know. president traitor acts out, so they get to act out at last. when you hear some one complain about "political correctness" it just means they are tired of behaving in a moral and ethical way and they want to be true to their hateful rageful racist sexist selves
