Friday, February 01, 2019

Make Alan Go Away

Seth Abramson gets some measure of criticism from some circles, primarily for his penchant for earnest, intensely researched, frequently overlong tweetstorms, some of which have run in the neighborhood of two hundred(!) consecutive tweets. But Abramson does solid research, explains it in a way that doesn't require a law degree to understand, and has reined in the more extravagant thread lengths. I haven't read Abramson's Proof of Collusion yet, but he's proven himself to be a thorough, diligent researcher, passionate about his subject.

Abramson has carried on a Twitter skirmish this week with legal shithead emeritus Alan Dershowitz, who seems to be hellbent on sealing his rep as a scumbag who will defend anyone for anything, but is currently busy slithering on to any panel show that will have him, to speak on the behalf of one Fuckface von Clownstick, a man whose personal corruption and intellectual slovenliness make Warren Harding look like Thomas Jefferson.

Abramson frequently flashes his legal quals by mentioning that he earned an A+ grade from Dershowitz at Harvard Law -- which, okay, great, but it doesn't make Dershowitz any less of a turd. In addition to infamously representing wife-murderers such as Claus von Bulow and O.J. Simpson, Dershowitz is also currently "advising" convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, because his simultaneous representation of the scumbag lawn-darting the United States is just not quite enough.

Apparently there are enough people out there who actually regard Dershowitz as something approaching a respectable legal scholar, when in fact he's just an asshole who has spent his entire adult life helping criminals avoid justice with skillfully applied technicalities. I don't know how to make it any clearer. The only reason his likeness isn't planted on dozens of bus benches in the Greater Oklahoma City metropolitan area is that he had enough famous clients to push him into a different circle.

It's well-established that Dershowitz has no ethical core, is not yoked to any recognizable moral compass, and is willing to do or say anything in the service of literally the worst sort of people, in order to play around with legal fripperies and semantic nonsense. In short, he's a fucking weasel, always has been, and anyone engaging with Alan Dershowitz should really check their priorities.

Abramson's a sharp guy, obviously, which makes it all the more perplexing why he'd bother exerting himself so much to engage Dershowitz point-by-point. He has to know there's no upside whatsoever to any of that; as a proud paid professional liar with a lifetime experience working in the outhouse of humanity, Dershowitz will merely shrug his shoulders and move the goalposts if Abramson refutes him. Abramson might as well challenge Kellyanne Conway or Ann Coulter or Sarah Huckabilly Sanders to a debate, for all he and his readers will get out of this.

Considering Abramson wrote a well-received book on the subject, and is apparently working on the follow-up, he should know better than most that we are in a very different world, one where antiquated notions such as honor and honesty and facts don't really matter anymore, especially to a scummy hack like Dershowitz, that 11/9 really did change everything, and that we're all on the other side of all that. People believe what they want to believe, and Clownstick's supporters don't know or care who the fuck Alan Dershowitz is, or what he says about anything, and so they don't give a shit if someone refutes his nonsense.

People like Dershowitz (and Clownstick himself and the rest of the scum that encircle him) are attention vampires -- they know exactly what they're doing, lying instrumentally, with intent and purpose, the purpose in this case is to suck attention away from the facts and into "debating" on intellectually dishonest terms. This allows the corporate media to pretend they've "heard all sides" in the argument, while never resolving anything, which is the object of their game, since conflict is their true product.

But at least the corporate media shills get paid for their efforts. Abramson's doing this social-media argument for free.

It is an ugly and destructive symbiosis. Dershowitz is eighty years old, and I really couldn't care less whether he lives another ten minutes or thirty years, so long as he knows that the world is a worse place for him having been in it. He's no better than Giuliani or Gingrich or the rest of that pathetic lot. Stop engaging this putrid, lying hack already. Quit feeding the vampire.

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