Saturday, June 01, 2019

Punching Back

It seems that many progressives and liberals and such are uncomfortable with the prospect of Joe Biden's candidacy, and with good reason. The main problem is he's way too old; I persist in my delusion that people, no matter their profession, need to retire by seventy or so, certainly by seventy-five. This goes for SCOTUS justices as well. The idea that the well-being of the republic may well literally hang on the health of a frail octogenarian cancer patient should be completely unacceptable. This is no way to run a railroad, folks.

But for many, the problem is more in how Creepy Uncle Joe relates to wimmins:  the grabbing, the rubbing, the hair-sniffing, the tone-deaf remarks. Fair enough. I would ask each and every one of them if they would vote for 1992 Bill Clinton now, a quarter-century later, if he were just now emerging on the scene with the baggage he had back then, but knowing that he would accomplish the things he did while he was in office. Clinton's baggage with women, back in 1992, was at least as bad as Biden's is now, but he did manage to get a few things done, right?

So, in all seriousness, you might want to use ol' Slick Willie as an example and ask yourself if it's all worth it. Not that it matters, since even if the Dems do manage to unseat Trump next year, it will mean nothing if they can't dump McConnell and Graham as well. They will make the Mueller investigation look like a walk in the park for the next Democratic president.

One thing Biden has that few of the others have -- but they're learning! -- is that he doesn't take any shit from Agent Orange. He can talk some trash. For the record:  any candidate that pre-emptively starts in with that "high road" shit has lost my vote already. Bokay? Not having it anymore. I'm tired of listening to this bloated wad of spray-tanned lunchmeat shit all over everything I believe in. I want someone who's going to call a lie a lie, and who isn't going to take shit from that unqualified moron. If that's too much to ask, then go run for Lions Club chapter president or something, and save us all the trouble. I want someone who's going to bounce this motherless fuck all over the ring.

So while I don't want Biden to win the nom, I definitely hope he stays in until the end of 2019 at least. He can draw some blood on Trump, he's not going to just meekly take shit from that asshole and murmur some dopey nonsense about not stooping to his level or whatever. Fuck that noise. Get in and fight. If the situation is as urgent as you keep saying it is, then act with a real sense of urgency.

Pete Buttigieg has shown the truth of this over the last week, taking advantage of the Memorial Day weekend to jab at the fat, cowardly draft dodger. and you know what? Trump didn't respond at all. When was the last time you saw that happen? The fucking guy gets bent over everything. Trump hasn't said shit about Mayor Pete since his initial "Alfred E. Neuman" insult, to which Buttigieg promptly responded, I don't know who that is, old man, because I was born after the fucking Civil War. Boom!

The clichés about bullies are generally true -- their behavior is a manifestation of their deep-rooted insecurities, mostly daddy-didn't-love-me-boo-fucking-hoo issues, and instead of doing the right thing and jumping off the nearest bridge or eating a Sig Sauer, they find smaller, weaker individuals and terrorize them with their projected insecurities.

It's been a repeated standby that everything Trump accuses his opponents of, all the stupid nicknames, are projections of his own behavior, his own insecurities. So hit him on those things, work those kidneys mercilessly. He can dish it out, but can't take it, so give it back to him in double doses. It's not like he doesn't give you material every day to work with. Why is this so hard to understand?

The only reason Trump ever got as far as he did, both before and after he entered the political arena, is because no one stood up to him. Think about it. For example, everyone rightly complains about how he ripped off contractors and small businesses. And yet, for some reason, he kept being able to find more contractors and small businesses to work on his roach-infested fleabag properties. He has teams of lawyers who kept him from having to pay those businesses what he owed them. Fine. Who are those lawyers, what are the names of the firms, so that they can be properly shamed in public and boycotted for their complicity.

Trump's real Achilles heel is his record as a "businessman," and he cannot stand to be mocked and ridiculed. He can't stand being laughed at. Beat on him for his catastrophic, shitty record. Make jokes about lousy steaks and failed casinos and horse-piss vodka and the football league he ruined single-(and small-) handedly. He will crack. He can't help himself. All of his self-esteem is wrapped up in the lies he tells himself daily. Strip him of it, and he will unravel.

Trump keeps hammering on the evils of illegal immigration. Great. Maybe one of these interchangeable dumbasses who think they have a shot at the Democratic nomination should step up and take one for the team thusly:
Trump talks a good game about how dangerous and terrible illegal immigration is for America. When he sends ICE to one of his golf courses, I'll believe him. Who does he think is changing the sheets, washing the dishes, vacuuming the floors, mowing the lawns? When he sends ICE to the meat processing plants, the dairy farms, the hotels and restaurants and orchards and construction sites across the country, then we can take him seriously. Until then, it's just more hot air and empty talk, which is all you ever get out of him.
No one has the balls to just step up and say what needs to be said about Trump and his lies, and the weirdest thing about it is that the first person to do it in such stark, uncivil terms would be an instant rock star. One ignored facet of the media coverage of the electorate is the assumption that because Trump was the quintessential anger-bang vote, that all the anger must be on that side.

I can assure them that this is not the case. My fondest wish is that if we are able to consign Trump and the Republicon Partei to the dustbin of history, that we can send the corporate media in right after them. Because they did this as well.

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