Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Modest Proposal

So let's find and clear an island somewhere -- or hell, build one, the Chinese seem to be pretty adept at that sort of thing -- and dump these useless cocksuckers on said island, with their weapons, and let them end each other, once and for all. I mean, I admire what Christian Picciolini has been able to do with some of these white-power assholes, and good luck to him, and it would be great if the federal gubmint took the threat seriously and maybe even funded some programs to combat the problem, but there are already too many people, and these jokers contribute fuck-all to the world.

A few days ago, seven hundred undocumented workers at a food-processing plant in [rolls eyes] Mississippi were raided and detained by your good friends at ICE (Ice Baby, word to your mother). Of course, none of the supervisors or managers or executives from this fucking dump were hassled -- in fact, it turns out that the plant had just lost a sexual harassment settlement to the tune of several million dollars. Awfully convenient timing, that.

What got somewhat less attention is that over half of the workers were released about twenty-four hours later, perhaps because someone quickly realized that they'd have trouble finding warm bodies to perform these dangerous, soul-crushing jobs for seven dollars and seventy-five cents an hour. [strokes chin thoughtfully, a la Ben Sasse]

This is the problem not just with the white-power mopes, but with 'murkins at large (or, let's face it, extra-extra-large):  who the fuck do they think is doing all the real work in this goddamned country -- killing the cows and chickens for your super-sized fast-food gut-busters; picking the fruit and vegetables you occasionally eat; washing the dishes and busing the tables in the restaurants; changing your hotel sheets and washing the shit streaks and cum stains out of them; building the houses clueless white people renovate and flip to each other on teevee; and so much more and worse. We know who owns the companies, and manages and supervises the work crews, but who are the work crews?

As talk of boycotting this or that billionaire turd inevitably turns to well, vertical integration has made it very tricky to completely disaggregate the subsidiary organizations that are actually supporting Trump, versus the other socially-aware companies that are stuck under the same corporate umbrella, as well as all their supply chains or whatever whiny bullshit excuse, the same concept applies by an order of magnitude to this round 'em up and dump 'em on the other side of the wall nonsense:  you really don't want to think about what this country and this economy look like without illegal immigrants.

I can promise you, these Richard Clayton types have never had a real job like the ones performed routinely by the turble Meskins they want to murder indiscriminately. They wouldn't last a day picking strawberries or killing chickens.

Nor would most of us. Hell, I worked swimming pool construction in my twenties, running 90 psi jackhammers, taking out concrete decks, running full hod barrows and tying rebar, following the backhoe around the pool bowl trimming with a pick. Hard, physical work. But I wouldn't have been able to do it past the age of thirty-five, forty at the most. It put me in serious shape, but it also absolutely nuked my knees, back, elbows, wrists, and hands. (It didn't help that I also played music in clubs for a dozen years, which is a lot more physical than many people might assume. It wears out your joints and back and hands as well, playing standing up for hours at a time.)

I can guarantee you that the hardest labor any of these would-be Wal-Mart shooters have done is getting out of the chair to see if Mom bought any more fruit roll-ups or granola bars. Half of these pasty dipshits look like they just tell Mom to leave a milk crate full of beef jerky and Mountain Dew outside their bedroom door once a week -- and ignore the fapping noises.

It's time to cut the bullshit surrounding this issue, and force people to have an honest conversation. I would suggest this tack to the next Democratic candidate with enough of a swinging pair to give it a shot:

We all agree that our borders should be secure, and that our immigration policy incentivizes playing by the rules, as well as giving a fair shot at citizenship to people who truly want to become part of the American experience.

But we also have to look around our communities and be honest with ourselves about who's doing all the work that we decided somewhere along the line we shouldn't have to do anymore, or that our kids shouldn't have to do.

Who builds the houses? Who processes the food? Who picks the produce? Who cleans the hotels and works in the restaurant kitchens? Are you prepared to pay more for these things, while in the process breaking up families and putting otherwise productive people out of work?

The sooner we're honest with ourselves and each other about how the sausage really gets made, the sooner we can work on improving our immigration system, and the laws and organizations that implement those policies. But you ask yourselves for a moment just how things would look -- and how much things would really cost -- if ICE came through every field, dairy, orchard, meat processing plant, restaurant, hotel, and construction site, and sent every undocumented worker home right then and there.

I call the bluff of the loudmouth anti-immigrant talkers, because it is a bluff. It would be their worst nightmare if we deported every undocumented person in this country, because then they'd have to pay twice as much for the meal they eat after they're done lecturing everyone else on the panel shows about their noble principles.
But if they're serious, then they have to be willing to punish the people who are hiring them as well. Are they "taking jobs away" from real 'murkins or not? Make up your minds, recalling that as the man said, choosing not to decide counts as a choice.

It won't happen, any more than us doing the right thing once and for all and dumping the nazis on Instant Death Island, but the world would be a better place if both things occurred.

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