Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Best People

Take a minute and go through the list of mutts in this article, many of them instantly knowable by a single name:  Omarosa. Scaramucci. Michael Cohen, Lindsey Graham (aka #LeningradLindsey because fuck that piece of shit). Graham hasn't turned on Trump yet, unlike the others, but at the first sign of possibly losing his Senate seat, you can bet he will.

Rack your brain for a second and try to come up with a single well-known person who supports this spray-painted, raccoon-eyed walrus, that you would describe as reputable or reliable or hell, a decent human being. They have all sold their souls for something cheap and fleeting, counting on the notoriously short memories of idiot 'murkins, their minds permanently mushed by decades of reality teevee pablum blurring the lines between fact and fabrication, history and narrative.

Some of them will turn when the time is right and the opportunism is useful, because that is what such people do, and that is the only kind of people he wants around him anyway. The few serious people in this administration, like Mattis and McMaster, didn't last long, and they get to play out the string of what had been reasonably respectable careers as toadies for a demented moron.

John Kelly was a serious person with some accomplishments, and decided to trash all that to play the game, until he too got pushed off the island. Now he's a board member for the privatized concentration-camp company that incarcerates children who get molested and old women forced to drink out of toilets, because they bought into the idea that this nation actually stood for something. Sorry, no asylum for you, you're the wrong color. But as long as there's an opportunity to turn a filthy buck out of the misery of others, why it would be -- wait for it -- un-American not to take full advantage of that.

There used to be the sitcom/movie trope of poking fun at the tradition of small, insular religious communities -- the Amish, maybe the Mennonites or Mormons -- to shun individuals who were seen as out-of-step with the rest of the flock. In the movies and teevee shows, it's usually a hardy-har-har at the old chinstrap-bearded farts looking sternly at the wanton yout', with their sex and their electrical-geetar music. Oh, won't these old fuddy-duddies ever learn that you can't stop progress, nor can you keep Kevin Bacon from getting footloose?

As Donald Sutherland observed in Animal House, the most interesting character in Paradise Lost is Lucifer, because being bad is more fun than being good. Obviously. Turns out this is also true in real life, as some of us have found out by spending time on either side of the fence. Though as those of us who spent a wayward youth know, if you're still doing the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll thing after, say thirty-five or forty and you're not in an actual touring band that people have heard and which has remunerated you in some tangible way, you probably spend a lot of time in your local police log.

Reality teevee, if you think about it, has reinforced the fun-villain thing rather consistently, from the amount of marketing I end up skin-popping in my news feed. You don't need to be a fan of that crap to realize that they keep the rubes glued by making assholes the center of the narrative. Not even villains, mind you -- traditionally, a villain is portrayed as having a viewpoint, and even some level of competence. Think Professor Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes story --  a bad guy, but not a buffoon or a clown, or even someone who was a dick just for the sake of being a dick. He had reasons for his efforts.

But now? All our villains are merely assholes. They exist primarily to teabag whoever's in the out-group, and not much more than that. It's not even a Dr. Evil level of cartoon villainy, more of a pro-wrestling level. "Real" housewives talking shit and flipping tables, useless, botox-and-silicon cunts acting like they contribute in some way to civilization.

At least pro wrestlers know they're acting, as do the fans. Now, once you bring that hideous dynamic into the political arena and weld it to more deeply-rooted notions of nationalism and patriotism and religious belief, they become inextricably linked. It eventually insulates them from and precludes any attempts at rational thought. This is why those bozos at the cult rallies and haunted diners sound, when they are actually quoted verbatim, drunk off their asses. They are literally beyond the point of any clarity of thought.

Not only can they not defend their own positions, they frequently can't even explain them coherently. They talk in heroic terms about a preposterous grifter who is openly using the office to line his pockets with their tax dollars, in a variety of ways, and they're completely fine with it. It's impossible to compete with or penetrate that level of buy-in. That's a cult. Any deprogrammers out there looking for work?

And so you get, to use the most recent example in Portland just yesterday, throngs of unemployable losers in variously ludicrous forms of larper cosplay, insisting very seriously that the only demographic in this country that has any right to feel truly aggrieved and oppressed is the (presumably, though you wonder about some of these dopes) hetero white christian male.

Ordinarily you'd say, jeez, these guys really need to get laid, but what poor woman deserves that, some weird asshole with a Toys-R-Us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle chest plate, that he hand-decorated with Kek logos and Pepe the Frog stickers, pretending he's saving the world from the J-O-O funded conspiracy to replace pasty lumps like himself with undeserving wetbacks? Even if he did manage to find a woman, she'd at least have to be open to conversion -- in other words, already on board with the whole nutjob philosophy.

Circling back to the top of the post there, these comic-book assholes -- you wouldn't hire any of them for any sort of work, ever. You would not hire Michael Cohen as your lawyer. You wouldn't let Mooch handle your pension fund. You wouldn't pay Omarosa to do whatever the fuck she does. And they are a reflection of the disloyal turd who hired them in the first place, who cut them loose and who they have now publicly turned against. You wouldn't hire him to manage anything or do anything either.

Competence matters, it turns out. A lot of salt-of-the-earth types out there in flyover country are finding that out the hard way, that between an unnecessary trade war and months of spring flooding that affected planting and will affect their harvests shortly (not that they can sell their products anyway), that pwnage they thought they were pulling on the libturds is really on themselves. Turns out we can grow corn and soybeans and shit out here in California too.

The Midwest could disappear from the map tomorrow and it would affect anything on the Pacific coast. That may not be a nice or politically correct thing to say, but that's the way it is. I'm not wishing any ill will on them, other than what they've inflicted on themselves. I'm saying that they have labored under the delusion that we need them more than they need us.

And the truth is that we don't need them at all, while they need our hedonistic sodomite tax dollars just to keep their subsidized corn-holes afloat. But they've cooked their noodles for the past couple decades, watching this corporate nonsense that's irreparably altered their perception of everything, where incompetent assholes get to have all the fun and none of the consequences. So they went ahead and put one in charge, and it turns out....there are consequences. For everyone, but for them most of all. So perhaps karma is a thing after all. We'll find out with a bit more certainty in about fourteen months.

Maybe it's time to think more seriously about the notion of shunning, that identifying idiots who are destructive just for the sake of being destructive and turning our backs on them is not just an act of collective punishment, but of self-preservation. None of these people -- Omarosa, Moochie, and especially Trump -- should ever have been allowed into our collective lives and psyches. They are nothing but snakes and weasels, indecent people pursuing naked ambition, without any of the qualifications for doing so except a streak of ruthlessness and an utter lack of conscience.

If we want better people to lead the nation, then we have to be better citizens and consumers, and step up and make choices that reflect our needs and values. You can't just keep blaming a shitty corporate media, if you keep watching it and giving their sponsors your business. You can't blame the sneaky Russians and their micro-targeted Facebook ads, if you were dumb enough to believe them. You can't blame the corrupt voting precinct for deregistering you for not voting for ten years and misspelling your name, if you don't vote and can't spell your fucking name.

The biggest thing these fuckers fear is not anger and pushback -- hell, that's where they make their nut, stoking conflict and performative outrage. What they really fear is a pissed-off populace that is informed, focused, prepared, and paying attention, and is ready to calmly go forth and do business.

So make sure you're registered, right now, get a receipt from the elections office to verify it for later reference, and then vote with your wallet every damned day going forward. Maybe write your congress-critters once in a while, just to let them know you're watching. If enough people just did those things, and did them consistently, within just a few years all the bullshit going on right now would seem like a bad dream.

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